Why don’t we see more BJJ world champions coming over to fight in MMA? This is today’s question for a Chewy ramble. Now this isn’t a specific technique question but it’s interesting and I figured I’d share my opinion.
Now keep in mind there are plenty of high level Brazilian Jiu-jitsu fighters making their way into Mixed Martial Arts. But for reasons I share in the video, I think you may (I say may because I don’t have hard data) have fewer getting into MMA these days. It’s probably the same reason why fewer boxers and kickboxers get into MMA.
Primarily I think people have other options for using their skills to make a living.
Back in the day BJJ was a much smaller sport with little money in it. So if you spent 10+ years developing this fighting skill you pretty much had to fight in order to make a living. These days you can make a decent living doing BJJ if you have the right skills.
I know from my experiences the reasons I share in the video were true to me.
Hopefully you found the video interesting. Thanks for watching. I’ll talk to you next time.
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