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Bottom Half Guard Overview by Neil Melanson
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What do you do if you don’t like the way your BJJ coach directs you at competitions or training?
This is our “Bob” question today from one of the viewers who is a Blue Belt in BJJ and dislike how their coach. . . coaches them.
They said that the coaching style is not preferable because it’s more of a barking demanding style.
Meaning when competing they yell and scream to tell them to do certain things. This disrupts “Bob” and causes them to perform worse.
This is demonstrated by the fact that when their coach isn’t there, Bob has done really well.
So in this video I talk about how to talk to your Brazilian Jiu-jitsu coach about difficult topics.
If you’re having a situation with your coach and need to bring up a difficult topic. I hope this helps.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
I received a question from a BJJ Dad who says his son is on the fence about quitting BJJ competitions.
Initially his son started doing the Brazilian Jiu-jitsu competitions but after 5 losses he’s lost his fire.
His dad is wondering if he should continue to push his son or simply let him quit Brazilian Jiujitsu all together.
In this video I share why I believe he should nudge his son forward with his competitions.
In BJJ, as with any hard to acquire skill, there are sticky points. And these sticky points are what separate people. There are those who quit when things get tough and those who continue to push on.
The good news is that you can develop the ability to push onward. It’s just like any muscle. You have to work on it and develop it.
I even share a story about one of the members of my Kids BJJ program who broke through this same barrier.
So listen to the stories in the video and hopefully this is useful for at least entertaining.
Oh and here is the Felipe Costa Documentary:
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
When I am passing the Guard of someone with long legs in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. I typically begin to force Half Guard.
By doing this I am able to get closer and make it harder to their leg length.
In this video I show my strategy against long legged BJJ practitioners.
I also touch on the idea of how to deal with Knee Shields and Spider Lasso grips by avoiding tension.
Along with the positional elements I use to force and pass Half Guard in Brazilian Jiujitsu. I also talk about strong head positioning.
As I’ve shared before. Head positioning is often overlooked in BJJ, which is unfortunate, because it’s incredibly powerful.
Locking someones head position makes it very difficult for them to defend your offensive weapons.
This video is more of a strategy or concept video rather than a hard technique video.
It’s just a few ideas for your to Chew On with your BJJ training or competitions.
Get it. . . Chew On?
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the video!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
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This past weekend following the ADCC North American Trials I saw a comment on Instagram that went something to the effect of “he beat that bjj Youtuber” or something like that.
And I honestly understand completely.
In a world of social media, there’s so much BS. As I talk about in the video there are so many situations and it often causes us to be apprehensive of people because we don’t want to be tricked.
And one of the things that is nice about me continuing to compete in BJJ competitions is that I can show you that I’m walking my walk.
I do the things that I say.
I may not be the best at every facet of Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. But I walk my talk. I proceed with 100% integrity.
And I will continue to do so.
I hope you enjoy the video.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
This video is based off of one of my recent Instagram posts which was inspired by my experiences in my own life. Both on the mat and off the mat.
I can’t tell you how many times in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, Wrestling or in other aspects of my life where this message rang true.
I believe this is the way it is for most of us. We’re our own biggest enemy.
There’s so much brilliance inside of us but we can only realize it when we get out of our own way and make it happen.
Here’s the original post:
There’s a special moment of relief at the end of a training session or competition.
As your coach gathers everyone together for one last huddle to finish class, or the ref raises the hand of the victor.
You realize. . . the struggle is over. You did what you set out to do and the white flag of your enemy has been raised.
But the enemy is not your opponent at the competition or your training partners. . . It’s yourself.
A battle had been waged and won that day, an internal siege had been lifted. As the army of your own anxiety, harsh judgments and laziness was beaten back.
Defeated were the thoughts of skipping training, sitting out another round or avoiding the upcoming competition because deep down you were afraid you’re not good enough.
Regardless of the outcome of that days training or competition. What matters is you conquered yourself.
And tomorrow the forces of your own shadow will reappear. As they do everyday. Ready for another battle and looking for a weakness in you.
But where there is a shadow there is a light.
And that light comes from the strength, intelligence and intensity inside you.
Embrace the suck, take joy in these daily battles, whether on or off the mat.
Because everyday you choose to follow your heart and take action is a day the enemy inside you becomes a little weaker, your light a little bigger. . . your shadow a little smaller.
I hope you guys enjoy the video!
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How to use the spider guard effectively as a smaller grappler as instructed by Helen Currie, 3rd Degree BJJ black belt, the UK’s first female BJJ black belt, internationally renowned coach and highly regarded co-head instructor of Combat Base UK, make this a must watch video filmed for the Warrior Collective.
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The Howe Sound Crest Trail in one long day, from my @stephan_kesting Instagram story feed
In this episode of the Chewjitsu Podcast we talk to Jon “Thor” Blank fresh off of his win at the EBI Combat Jiu-jitsu.
During the episode we talk about how Wrestling affected his BJJ and his ability to compete at an incredibly high level in such a short amount of time in grappling.
Enjoy the podcast!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Has Brazilian Jiu-jitsu impacted you in a positive way? Have you ever had old friends drag you down in a negative way?
This is the kind of issue Dennis is having for today’s BJJ question.
Basically Dennis used to have substance abuse issues. And since he started doing Brazilian Jiujitsu. The training has provided a positive outlet in his life where he doesn’t need to use drugs or anything like that.
This is great right?
Well the issue is that his old friends that still use drugs have a habit of calling him up to hang out. Whenever they hang out they always end up doing drugs or eating terrible food.
Most recently Dennis had to call off a BJJ training session because he was too messed up to make it.
His question to me is if I’ve ever had any friends like this where I required separation and how I dealt with it.
In this video I share about how my best friend as a young guy was a drug addict but how I had to separate from him to go my own way.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
A lot of times in these videos it may come across as I’m always excited to train BJJ. That I never get tired. That I never lack enthusiasm.
And that simply isn’t true.
I’m human and lack excitement for training from time to time.
Very often one of the periods where I always feel a lull in my excitement for Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training is after big competitions wins.
The excitement of winning the tournament or fight always sends me down to at least a week of lethargy. Then it picks back up afterwards and I get back to normal.
I’ve found that if I try to fight against this feeling and push it, it simply gets worse. But if I simply go with it and give it time to run it’s course. I come back strong.
And in this video I talk about how the cool morning I experienced felt like I feel right now. The temperature dropped and life seems to slow down a bit after the rush of the summer heat.
Like that, I feel as though my body is slowing down after the heat of hard training and competition followed by the excitement of meeting new people at seminars.
And if you feel like this, lacking excitement or motivation for jiujitsu, don’t worry it happens to all of us. It’s ok.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.