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80/20 to Outside Sankaku When They Block the Reaping Leg by Lachlan Giles
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Have you ever dealt with a big strong spazzy White Belt in BJJ, or have you ever been called a spaz? If you struggle with this situation in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu whether you’re the spaz or you’re the person frustrated with a spaz in your gym, I hope this video is helpful with your training.
In the video I start off by talking about my own spazzy beginning in Brazilian Jiujitsu as I was probably the most reckless, explosive and wild roll in my gym, and probably the craziest I’ve ever seen.
I also talk about how as a coach I’ve ever become frustrated with spazzy new people in the gym.
With that in place I talk about how I deal with spaz type people during BJJ training and why you should learn to use your skill against someone like this. It’s an important test to how your techniques work against an untrained person. I also talk about how I overcame my ultra-intense beginnings to get a handle on my wild rolling.
I hope that for all the Spazzy types and people frustrated with them that the video will give you some useful perspectives on how to handle the situation.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
In this video I’m going to show you 4 different ways to roll to improve your Brazilian Jiu-jitsu if you’re not interested in drilling your techniques. I did this video because many people want to improve their BJJ techniques but they don’t engage in any sort of specific deliberate training.
So in the video I explain how I found the idea of deliberate training back when I was a Brown Belt which had a big impact on the way I trained myself and my students.
Here’s the book I talked about:
Talent Is Overrated:
4 Types Of Rolling Deliberately
1. Rolling With A Purpose
This first idea is simply to focus on hitting a specific technique to work on while rolling.
2. Positional Rolling
This is keeping the rolling into a specific position you’re trying to improve like me trying to pass my partners guard while my partner tries to sweep or submit me from bottom.
3. Rolling From The Weak Side
If you’re good at a position or technique. Try doing the same thing from the weak side.
4. Mimic Rolling
To improve against certain types of people you might have your training partner mimic a particular style.
I hope this video is helpful by giving you some ideas to use for your BJJ training.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Here’s a video showing a BJJ lesson I really didn’t figure out until I was a Brown Belt in Jiu-jitsu. It’s a lesson concerning frames, being patient and escaping from bad positions more effectively. These are ides everyone in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu has been told about from day 1 as a White Belt but I never really quite understood them until later.
As a Brown Belt in BJJ there was a point where I was injured and couldn’t train full speed. But I REALLY wanted to be on the mat. As I’ll explain in the video I did some modified BJJ training where I would roll but spent a lot of time just surviving. During this time I really began to understand patience and being concerned with frames and grips from bad positions.
A lot of times in offensive positions we focus on how to setup grips and be methodical. Whereas when it comes to bad positions you might forget the grips and just push in weird places because you panic and don’t want to be submitted.
So in this video if you struggle in bad positions (I.E Bottom of side control, bottom of mount or someone has back mount on you) then I hope this video is useful to you in your able to both survive and eventually escape.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
Today’s questions is a unique situation where our Blue Belt friend Marc is able to effectively hit the Triangle Choke on most people he rolls with inside his gym. His worry with this is that because he is always using the Triangle Choke submission his BJJ game is going to become 1 dimensional. So in this video I talk about sharpening up is Triangle attack while keeping his Brazilian Jiu-jitsu techniques diverse.
When I was a Purple Belt I went through a specialization phase with my Half Guard. I began learning how to sweep almost anyone I rolled with and it’s still one of my best Guard positions in Brazilian Jiujitsu. What was important about this were the lessons I learned to develop a razor sharp game that I could then take and implement for every other technique and position in my BJJ training.
In this video I talk about how Marc can diversify his attack and create more options that will help him specialize similar to how I did as a Purple Belt.
If you’re in a situation like this or even if you aren’t I believe it’s a sound idea to take into your BJJ training.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
BJJ world champion Fabio Gurgel talks about how your training changes as you get older. The full interview is here:
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And, most importantly, good luck with your training!