Today we have a question from Derrick who feels really crummy about a recent situation at his BJJ Gym…
He is a 3-Stripe White Belt In Jiu-Jitsu, on top of being a bigger, so he tries his best to be as good of a training partner possible without hurting anyone, rolling soft in all his rounds.
Well, recently Derrick and his coach were rolling, and they ended up in the 50/50 Position and, out of nowhere, he injured his coach.
It was a complete accident and even the coach doesn’t blame Derrick.
Even though this is true Derrick still feels bad and doesn’t know what he should do to make up for the injury.
Well, I give Derrick a few pieces of advice, while also telling you a few stories about injuries I personally suffered in practices, and how I tend to deal with my own injuries when they happen in class.
Hopefully you find these ideas useful for you.
– Chewy
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