Today’s video we’ve got a question from “hitanddip”, from a recent YouTube Videos comment section, asking:
“I want to ask; how do you get better at going on Attack Mode as a Beginner (in Jiu-Jitsu)”
This is a great question!
This is often a question many beginners will have. Especially since all of us will come into the gym, and at first, spend most of the time balling up, trying not to get submitted.
At some point in your BJJ training journey, you will get pretty good at not getting submitted.
Once you get to that point, you’ll start asking yourself how you can start adding some offense on your own, instead of just surviving in the rounds against the upper belts.
So, once you get to this point, how do you start adding offense into your game?
In this video I’ll give my perspective and give you guys a couple of ideal solutions to this common beginner issue – including developing you BJJ “GPS”.
If you were going through something similar, hopefully you find the ideas in the video helpful for you.
– Chewy
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