Após o GP do Spyder Championship, Kaynan Duarte e Levi Jones, campeões até 100kg e até 76kg, respectivamente, analisaram suas campanhas, os duelos finais e os planos para a bolada de 100 mil dólares.
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The Best Jiu-Jitsu Search Engine in the World
Após o GP do Spyder Championship, Kaynan Duarte e Levi Jones, campeões até 100kg e até 76kg, respectivamente, analisaram suas campanhas, os duelos finais e os planos para a bolada de 100 mil dólares.
Black Friday Sale- https://teespring.com/stores/bjj-world-store
Kenny Florian Seminar– https://www.artistsmat.com/events/159
Watch Polaris 12- https://www.ufc.tv/video/polaris-12
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Fighters predict the highly anticipated match between former UFC Middleweight champion Luke Rockhold vs Nick Rodriguez on this Saturday, November 30th at Polaris 12. See their picks below.
Zach Maslany- https://www.instagram.com/zachmaslany/
Eli Knight- https://www.instagram.com/knight_jiu_jitsu_/
Luna Barrea- https://www.instagram.com/lunazinha_/
Lucas Rocha- https://www.instagram.com/lucasrochabjj/
Jay Regalbuto- https://www.instagram.com/smashpassjay/
Dante Leon- https://www.instagram.com/danteleonbjj/
Riccardo Ammendolia- https://www.instagram.com/riccardoammendoliabjj/
Robert Drysdale- https://www.instagram.com/robertdrysdalejj/
Kody Steele- https://www.instagram.com/kody_steelebjj/
Tex Johnson- https://www.instagram.com/tex_bjj/
Alec Baulding- https://www.instagram.com/alecbaulding/
Polaris 12
MAIN CARD (7:30pm UK time)
Broadcast live & exclusive on UFC Fight Pass
Nick Rodriguez
Luke Rockhold
Catchweight (104.3 kg) NOGI
Richard Alarcon
Ash Williams
Bantamweight (61.2 kg) NOGI – TITLE MATCH
Tommy Langaker
Gilbert “Durinho” Burns
Catchweight (80 kg) GI
Michelle Nicolini
Vanessa English
Catchweight (57 kg) NOGI
Devhonte Johnson
Arya Esfandmaz
Catchweight (104 kg) NOGI
PJ Barch
Marcin Held
Welterweight (77.1 kg) NOGI
Broadcast on Joe.co.uk via Facebook
Espen Mathiesen
Bryn Jenkins
Catchweight (79 kg) GI
Stefan Petrov
Shane Fishman
Light Heavyweight (93.0 kg) NOGI
Stephen Ramos
Justus Goeschel
Lightweight (70.3 kg) NOGI
Liam Cann
Craig Ewers
Welterweight (77.1 kg) NOGI
Frederic Vosgrone
Ash Amos
Catchweight (95 kg) NOGI
Jeremy Skinner
Eoghan O’Flanagan
Catchweight (79 kg) NOGI
Fred Greenall
Shane Price
Catchweight (85 kg) NOGI
Nastasa Silviu Georgian VS Jamie Hughes
Catchweight (90 kg) NOGI
Saturday November 30
The ICC Wales
Tickets – https://bit.ly/32O51jP
Watch Polaris 12- https://www.ufc.tv/video/polaris-12
Business Promotions/Sponsorships?
Music By — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AysrSoY1GdM&list=RDGdzrrWA8e7A&index=2
Professor especializado em lecionar para forças de segurança, Paulo Peposo mostrou duas formas de imobilizar o oponente que consegue alcançar o seu braço.
Highlights from the 2019 Bullyproof Summer Camp. Registration is open for the 2020 camp. Save your spot at https://store.gracieuniversity.com/categories/bullyproof_camps/GSK-SCAMP20.html
Entrem no Canal do Telegram: https://t.me/MotivacionAly2020
Seja avisado sobre o início da LIVE Secreta: http://bit.ly/livesecretajj
GET YOUR TICKETS– https://www.artistsmat.com/events/159
We have partnered up with our friends over at Leg Locker to bring you a seminar with MMA legend Kenny Florian Mark your calendars! Sunday, December 8th at his beautiful academy Meraki in Santa Monica, CA
See you there !
WANT TO LEARN FROM KAMA? – Try our new Patreon page! We upload regular tutorial/technique videos for you to study and up your game!
– patreon.com/kamajiujitsu –
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– https://teespring.com/stores/kama-jiu-jitsu-teespring –
Need advice or tips on Jiu-Jitsu or running a martial arts school? Visit this link below to be able to talk directly with Ryan!
– https://clarity.fm/ryanyoung –
Wanna try our Jiu Jitsu in person? We service the Orange County, CA and Dallas/Fort Worth areas teaching adult, children, women, and advanced classes. Contact us today for more info!
– http://kamajiujitsu.com/ –
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Or just need some general items? Purchasing from these links will help us out!
Jiu-Jitsu Gis – http://amzn.to/2CVDdxl
Finger Tape – https://amzn.to/2zJjdOG
Athletic Tape -https://amzn.to/2HCYi4l
Rash Guard Shirt – https://amzn.to/2ZHlRD6
Water Bottle – https://amzn.to/2ZGiDMl
Gym Bag – https://amzn.to/2Ldl6Kc
Panasonic GH5 Camera – http://amzn.to/2Fa2WaF
Tascam Lav Mic Recorder – https://amzn.to/2Lf619y
Zoom H1 Audio recorder (it’s really good) – http://amzn.to/2oGxtmt
Osmo Mobile Phone Gimble – http://amzn.to/2FhSIEu
Sony FDR-X3000R https://amzn.to/2LSMZoL
Sony a6500 – https://amzn.to/2LBkcZ1
Kama Jiu-Jitsu is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.
Music by:
Ehrling – “Sthlm Sunset”
Today’s video is another one of our random question videos. In today’s video I answer the following random questions that you guys posted in the community section of the channel.
If you’d like to win a journal please comment on the video down below:
– What do you think is better, wrestling or BJJ?
– I pee hard.
– How do I do a takedown in a self-defense without risking injury to the other person.
– My favorite ninja turtle.
– What is the most common mistake White Belt belts make?
– What is the best ratio of skill based vs concept training for BJJ White Belts?
– Would you ever consider doing another martial art besides BJJ?
– Do I use CBD
For https://www.charlottesweb.com/ use promo code “Chewjitsu” to save 15%
– Do you play any video games, pc games or console?
– When do people quit training the most?
Hope you enjoyed the video!
Free Ebook: http://www.chewjitsu.net/focused-jiu-jitsu-13-page-ebook/
Video Courses and Products: http://www.chewjitsu.net/products
T shirts: http://www.chewjitsu.net/shop/
Intro/Outtro Music : https://bknapp.bandcamp.com
If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.
https://streamlabs.com/fritzdagger click to donate, to have you question show up on stream. Click the bell to get notified when im doing a live stream.
Levi Mowles, my 1st black belt, practices 2 flying Armbar variations. Notice the highly important fact that his head never touches the ground.
Aprenda sempre
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The NextLevelGuy Podcast with Coach Brian Peterson has been released!!
Check it out!
http://teachmegrappling.com This video I breakdown the “side smash” guard pass in great detail. Check out the details and you are sure to find something useful! Enjoy! If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please comment below. More videos to come! Please like, share, and subscribe!!