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Taken from JRE #1900 w/Steve-O:
Taken from JRE #1900 w/Steve-O:
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Some Amazing Books:
The Gracie Diet Revised Edition: https://amzn.to/3boKM2v
Gracie Jiu-Jitsu book: https://amzn.to/37iN9m3
The Carnivore Code : https://amzn.to/3tVM4u2
The Carnivore Diet: https://amzn.to/3pnNb2m
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Kodokan Judo: https://amzn.to/3boM4KT
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Sometimes when your opponent posts to defend the rolling sweep, they float their hips a bit further over your body. This makes it trickier to go for the back, as you will have to cover a lot more ground. Instead of going around their back, we will go into a leg lock by coming underneath them.
This leg lock entry is another classic, and can land you in all sorts of leg locks. It all depends on how your opponent reacts, as some people sit, others roll, and some stand up. The most likely scenarios are scoring a heel hook or a knee bar.
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On a recent trip to Da Firma Training Center in Chesapeake, VA, I got to spend a little time with some good friends, including Judo and BJJ Black Belt, Kenton Givens. I asked him if he could show some details over a couple of my favorite foot sweeps in Judo, Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi & Hiza Garuma, as well as their usefulness for BJJ context particularly. I hope you like this and get some good details out of it.
Follow Kenton on all the socials @100kiloscsa2
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Here’s a lapel choke where you work off the bottom position that is popular and has a good rate of success.
#chokehold #shimewaza #chokes #judo #newaza #guard #groundfighting #kodokanjudo #tapout #judotechnique
Visit our web sites at http://www.welcomematjudoclub.com/ and http://www.judoblackbelt.com/
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Our channel was started in 2010 as an extension of our program at Welcome Mat. Welcome Mat was founded in 1969 by Steve Scott in Kansas City, Missouri, USA and has produced thousands of successful students, athletes and coaches in a variety of grappling sports. View over a thousand videos on the subjects of judo, freestyle judo, Shingitai Jujitsu, sambo, submission grappling and sport jujitsu are on our YouTube channel. Browse through our playlists to see what we have on our channel. If a video is listed as “private” is it because that video is still in development or scheduled for later viewing. We strive to provide fundamentally sound and technically innovative skills and information on a variety of grappling sports. Music for some videos provided by YouTube Copyright Free Audio featuring “Fiend” by Sting and performed by the Jingle Punks, “All This Down Time” by Sting and performed by the Jingle Punks and Arp Ascent by DivKid.
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You can subscribe for free to our channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/welcomematstevescott/. Please tell others about our channel.
Our videos are all original material and are copyrighted. Reproduction or showing these videos without the specific permission of Steve Scott is prohibited.
Episodes 1-17 are now free on ITunes & Rokfin.com/eddiebravo
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Episodes 1-17 are now free on ITunes & Rokfin.com/eddiebravo
Thank you for the support!