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The first ham sandwich I ever learned and still a really effective one to this day is the rolling ham sandwich from de la Riva, which can also be applied from headquarters. This is a clip from my recent seminar on HQ passing and leglocks I taught at @billjiujitsu in Jacksonville, FL. Huge thank you to Professor Bill, @georgeivanoff and all the attendees for a magnificent day of jiu-jitsu. More videos coming soon!
More compression locks available on my newest instructional from @bjj.fanatics
How To Overcome Struggles As A BJJ White Belt – Part 2
I have heard this position go by many names over the years. Octopus Guard, Cat Dog, and Over Wrap to name a few. However, I played around quite a bit with this position well before hearing of these, and I called it the Reverse Seat Belt. Why? It is kind of like the Wrestling Seat Belt (or the Dog Fight position in BJJ terms), where there is a deep waist tie with both people’s torsos tight together – just facing opposite directions instead of the same (hence reverse).
Let’s not get stuck on names though. I find this position a great tool, especially if your guard isn’t great. If you are getting passed a lot, it is a simple thing to work into this reverse seat belt position and change the battle, as most people are not too familiar with working this position.
One of the simplest ways of using the Reverse Seat Belt (RSB) is to apply a hip bump sweep. I’ll post up quick and drive into them, getting them to shift their base and collapse their knees a little closer together, then pop my hips up and over to score the quick sweep.
This doesn’t always work, particularly if they have a strong base, but it will set up a series of attacks we can go into next. One thing to keep in mind from this position whenever you sweep is that you will very often score a complete reversal – meaning they will finish in the reverse seat belt. The last thing you want is to get swept with the same position you just swept with. So I do my best to quickly cut under and score a crossface after sweeping, so I end the game and get a strong top position.
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This video I train my guys to work the takedown we showed on the last video but for an MMA context. Check out the details and you are sure to find something useful! Enjoy! If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please comment below. More videos to come! Please like, share, and subscribe!!
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Today’s BJJ technique video is a continuation of the passing idea I shared last week about using half guard to slow down younger, faster or more athletic opponents.
In today’s video I answer a question about the Reverse Half Guard position as a question came up on the original video. I show some details on how to use the Reverse Half Guard position in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, so you don’t get reverse or lose control of your opponent. But also, how to strategically place your weight on your opponent to apply maximum pressure.
This can be a great position whether you’re older and need to slow down the young whipper snappers in your class or if you just run into someone who has a really mobile guard.
If you’re trying to figure out ways to slow down training partners or opponents with guard passing then I hope this video is useful to you!
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