Today’s question comes from Levi Schwartz:
He asks for me to show a back take that he saw me hit while watching a recent BJJ rolling video of mine here on the YouTube.
The Back Take came from a scramble with one of my Jiu-Jitsu Brown Belts, Charlie, and in this video, I’ll show you how I set it up & how you can look for it, should you have the chance to do it while rolling.
The position we work from to get into this back take has a lot of names in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
But it essentially started from my partners hip switch, from side control to reverse side control, which exposed his back and gave me the space I needed to execute the technique.
I did this technique in the Gi, while rolling, but you can modify it for No-GI Jiu-Jitsu as well, which is what I do in this video.
Hopefully you guys enjoyed the technique!
– Chewy
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