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More hard to find and rare books from Steve Scott’s library are shown in this video. We hope you enjoy the video.
Go to or to get Steve Scott’s books THE JUDO ADVANTAGE and JUJI GATAME ENCYCLOPEDIA.
Our channel was started in 2010 as an extension of our program at Welcome Mat. Welcome Mat was founded in 1969 by Steve Scott in Kansas City, Missouri, USA and has produced thousands of successful students, athletes and coaches in a variety of grappling sports.
View over a thousand videos on the subjects of judo, freestyle judo, Shingitai Jujitsu, sambo, submission grappling and sport jujitsu are on our Youtube channel.
Browse through our playlists to see what we have on our channel. If a video is listed as “private” is it because that video is still in development or scheduled for later viewing.
You can subscribe for free to our channel at
We strive to provide fundamentally sound and technically innovative skills and information on a variety of grappling sports.
We appreciate your support! Please tell others about our channel.
You can help support our channel by going to our online store and purchasing items. Go to We have a variety of books, shirts and other items for sale.
Music for the Freestyle Judo show provided by YouTube Copyright Free Audio featuring “Fiend” by Sting and performed by the Jingle Punks and “All This Down Time” by Sting and performed by the Jingle Punks.
Visit our club web site at http://www.WelcomeMatJudoClub.
For information on the Judo Black Belt Association, go to
Thank you for watching our video. Please tell others about our channel.
Our videos are all original material and are copyrighted. Reproduction or showing these videos without the specific permission of Steve Scott is prohibited.
Sambo has a well-earned reputation for effective leglocks and lower body submission techniques. In this video, we show a popular and effective bent knee lock. This is a shortened version of a longer video on this subject, so be sure to go to our Sambo playlist or Leglock playlist to see the longer version.
Go to or to get Steve Scott’s books THE JUDO ADVANTAGE and JUJI GATAME ENCYCLOPEDIA.
Our channel was started in 2010 as an extension of our program at Welcome Mat. Welcome Mat was founded in 1969 by Steve Scott in Kansas City, Missouri, USA and has produced thousands of successful students, athletes and coaches in a variety of grappling sports.
View over a thousand videos on the subjects of judo, freestyle judo, Shingitai Jujitsu, sambo, submission grappling and sport jujitsu on our Youtube channel.
Browse through our playlists to see what we have on our channel. If a video is listed as “private” is it because that video is still in development or scheduled for later viewing.
You can subscribe for free to our channel at
We strive to provide fundamentally sound and technically innovative skills and information on a variety of grappling sports.
We appreciate your support! Please tell others about our channel.
You can help support our channel by going to our online store and purchasing items. Go to We have a variety of books, shirts and other items for sale.
Music for the Freestyle Judo show provided by YouTube Copyright Free Audio featuring “Fiend” by Sting and performed by the Jingle Punks and “All This Down Time” by Sting and performed by the Jingle Punks.
Visit our club web site at http://www.WelcomeMatJudoClub.
For information on the Judo Black Belt Association, go to
Thank you for watching our video. Please tell others about our channel.
Our videos are all original material and are copyrighted. Reproduction or showing these videos without the specific permission of Steve Scott is prohibited.
Saúde é o que interessa
The rodeo ride is a strong position of control where you get your opponent’s back, get your hooks in and break him down to apply the Hadaka Jime (Naked Choke). This video gives step-by-step directions.
Go to or to get Steve Scott’s books THE JUDO ADVANTAGE and JUJI GATAME ENCYCLOPEDIA.
Our channel was started in 2010 as an extension of our program at Welcome Mat. Welcome Mat was founded in 1969 by Steve Scott in Kansas City, Missouri, USA and has produced thousands of successful students, athletes and coaches in a variety of grappling sports.
View over a thousand videos on the subjects of judo, freestyle judo, Shingitai Jujitsu, sambo, submission grappling and sport jujitsu are on our Youtube channel.
Browse through our playlists to see what we have on our channel. If a video is listed as “private” is it because that video is still in development or scheduled for later viewing.
You can subscribe for free to our channel at
We strive to provide fundamentally sound and technically innovative skills and information on a variety of grappling sports.
We appreciate your support! Please tell others about our channel.
You can help support our channel by going to our online store and purchasing items. Go to We have a variety of books, shirts and other items for sale.
Music for the Freestyle Judo show provided by YouTube Copyright Free Audio featuring “Fiend” by Sting and performed by the Jingle Punks and “All This Down Time” by Sting and performed by the Jingle Punks.
Visit our club web site at http://www.WelcomeMatJudoClub.
For information on the Judo Black Belt Association, go to
Thank you for watching our video. Please tell others about our channel.
Our videos are all original material and are copyrighted. Reproduction or showing these videos without the specific permission of Steve Scott is prohibited.
Colin O’Brady is a professional endurance athlete, motivational speaker and adventurer. He is a three-time world record holder, and just became the first person in the world to travel across Antarctica unassisted. In 2016 he set the Explorers Grand Slam and Seven Summits speed records.
The Judo Advantage is Steve Scott’s latest book. It’s a serious and in-depth look at how and why Judo (as well as Sambo, Jiu-Jitsu and other grappling sports) work. You can pre-order the book before its publication date of March, 2019 if you wish.
Go to or to get Steve Scott’s books THE JUDO ADVANTAGE and JUJI GATAME ENCYCLOPEDIA.
Our channel was started in 2010 as an extension of our program at Welcome Mat. Welcome Mat was founded in 1969 by Steve Scott in Kansas City, Missouri, USA and has produced thousands of successful students, athletes and coaches in a variety of grappling sports.
View over a thousand videos on the subjects of judo, freestyle judo, Shingitai Jujitsu, sambo, submission grappling and sport jujitsu on our Youtube channel.
Browse through our playlists to see what we have on our channel. If a video is listed as “private” is it because that video is still in development or scheduled for later viewing.
You can subscribe for free to our channel at
We strive to provide fundamentally sound and technically innovative skills and information on a variety of grappling sports.
We appreciate your support! Please tell others about our channel.
You can help support our channel by going to our online store and purchasing items. Go to We have a variety of books, shirts and other items for sale.
Music for the Freestyle Judo show provided by YouTube Copyright Free Audio featuring “Fiend” by Sting and performed by the Jingle Punks and “All This Down Time” by Sting and performed by the Jingle Punks.
Visit our club web site at http://www.WelcomeMatJudoClub.
For information on the Judo Black Belt Association, go to
Thank you for watching our video. Please tell others about our channel.
Our videos are all original material and are copyrighted. Reproduction or showing these videos without the specific permission of Steve Scott is prohibited.
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* I do not own any of the above footage used. It’s reproduction is merely for critique and educational purposes.
Matt Braunger is an actor, writer, and stand-up comedian. His new special “Finally Live in Portland” will be released everywhere on February 5, 2019.
Get some Toy Grappling Dummies:
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Use the code “BJJSCOUT” for your order at to get 10% off (and help my channel out)! Thanks for the support folks!
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Or my BTC address at 13Kkt4eAt9YxT9sXsjAHSgburwS7B4ZN4h
* I do not own any of the above footage used. It’s reproduction is merely for critique and educational purposes.
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Hey guys! Welcome back to yet another BJJ World interview! Sat with one of the hardest working people in Jiu Jitsu, Mercedes White. Mercedes is a mother, owner of Bullpen Submission series & Luta Elite MMA, & an avid competitor, just to check a few boxes. Check out our interview where we talk about how Bullpen Submission series is changing the game for athletes & much more!
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Time to learn some Jiu Jitsu! We are back with Fight To Win to bring you this week’s technique! F2W had a bye week so CEO Seth Daniels stepped in to show a sick Cement Mixer/Reverse Cement Mixer. What are your thoughts on this weeks technique?
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