Want to learn a slick Armbar for BJJ in the Gi? Want ADAM to teach it? Well then this is your video.
We’ve had several requests for Adam to teach a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu technique on the channel. And in today’s video I step aside and allow our favorite Uke to demonstrate a technique of his own.
That’s right the tables have turned on Chewy and Adam for this video.
This Armbar variation is primarily for the gi as it will involve a gi speific grip on the belt. While it could be adapted for no gi as well. It’s a gi move.
So if you’re looking for another Armbar to throw into the mix than I hope this Brazilian Jiujitsu technique is useful for you.
Give it a try the next time you’re in this position when rolling or training.
Oh and if you enjoyed the video! Throw Adam some love in the comments.
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