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This is a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Drill for practicing the 50/0 position. It has sweeps, counters and submissions.
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Andris Brunovskis’s fantastical Omopalooza experience is now available! Go check it out at www.omopalooza.com with more omoplata sweeps submissions and counters than our feeble mortal minds could have ever imagined, Andris has pushed the limits of the human shoulder, attacking it in this creative and vicious series of rotator wrenching shoulder crunching omoplata specific techniques. Andris’s philosophy on omoplatas transcends the the idea of of omoplata as a submission and puts emphasis on it as a control position of incredible dominance and grace. Attacking berimbolos, chokes, calf slicers and armbars . With 90+ minutes of high level instruction follow Andris through its whacky and whimsical world of this obscure and under utilized technique. Known as the “omoplata terror” “renown holder of the shoulder” “white chocolate” “sniper” and many other names his opponents have given him out of fear of his sauvity and aggressive style. Go check out this instructional. I fully believe in his techniques, and this comes with a bonus self defense portion which is hilarious but painfully effective, Www.omopalooza.com
Ataide Rafael – GFT Black Belt – Teaches a cool way to get backmount from side control.
To learn more, swing on over to https://keenanonline.com/
AND check out my fancy pants worm guard DVDS at http://thewormguard.com/
go become an exclusive member at https://keenanonline.com/ to learn jiujitsu in a easy to understand format.
Check out the Worm Guard DVDS here http://thewormguard.com/
Check out my Worm Guard DVDS! http://thewormguard.com/