Looking for some BJJ Drills to take the Back for your training? Check out these 4 BJJ Drills I use in this video.
Unlike some of my other BJJ drills videos. You get to come along for the ride with my students as if you were present for one of my Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes.
In this video I show 4 different drills to build up your ability to be a Back Taking Machine.
The 1st Drill in this sequence of movements and techniques is a Near Side Back Take from the Double Under Pass.
The 2nd Brazilian Jiujitsu technique / drill is the Up and Dump pass to a Hip Switch Back Take. Which comes from the Double Under Pass.
The third Back Take option comes from the Turtle Position when the person tries to roll and we roll with them to snag the Back Mount.
The 4th one. Which is fun one. Uses the lapels and a side roll to whip around and take the Back Mount.
All 4 of these are very simple and practical options to throw into just about anyone’s BJJ game. And hopefully the idea of keeping continuous movement as shown in the video will give you some ideas for other positions, techniques and drills for your Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Training.
Hope you enjoyed the video!
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.