Taken from JRE #1712 w/Bert Kreischer (Part 1):
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Taken from JRE #1712 w/Bert Kreischer (Part 1):
Haisam Rida picked up a sub bonus for this brutal face crank/RNC.
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Please thank Black Arch Holsters for sponsoring today’s video of Robber Regrets Taking Shot At Angry Family! For a hybrid-style 3/4 kydex, that meets the standards of a holster but has a soft backer, try the Black Arch Protos (it’s the only hybrid-like holster I recommend): http://get-asp.com/protos
Check out the Active Self Protection Podcast: https://activeselfprotection.com/podcast/
ASP Extra: http://youtube.com/activeselfprotectionextra
ASP Community Standards: https://activeselfprotection.com/page-guidelines/
ASP merch is now in stock in the store…go get a newly designed limited edition ASP polo! http://get-asp.com/store
If you value what we do at ASP, would you consider becoming an ASP Patron Member to support the work it takes to make the narrated videos like Robber Regrets Taking Shot At Angry Family? https://get-asp.com/patron or https://get-asp.com/patron-annual gives the details and benefits.
Raw video: https://get-asp.com/ugo1
News story: https://get-asp.com/zhrx
Attitude. Skills. Plan.
ASP Sponsors and Recommended Products: https://activeselfprotection.com/recommended-products-and-sponsors/
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The NextLevelGuy Podcast with Coach Brian Peterson has been released!! Check it out!
Visite www.errosmentaisnojiujitsu.com
O Atleta que deseja participar de uma competição oficial não pode trabalhar apenas a parte técnica, ele precisa trabalhar o pilar fundamental de um Campeão, o EMOCIONAL.
Você terá acesso as técnicas utilizadas pelos Campeões Profissionais! Essas técnicas são responsáveis por grande parte do resultado de um Campeão de Jiu-Jitsu.
Você terá acesso:
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Para Atletas e Professores de Jiu-Jitsu Comprometidos com Seu Crescimento.
DE R$197 POR R$97 🤯
Gustavo Dantas, 46 anos, é faixa preta quinto grau do mestre André Pederneiras e, atualmente mora em Phoenix, Arizona há mais de vinte anos, aonde se localiza a sua academia. Gustavo é autor, palestrante e criador do movimento The BJJ Mental Coach, que ajuda os atletas a se prepararem psicologicamente para situações sob pressão dentro e fora dos tatames.
Formado em Educação Física pela UFRJ, com especialização em Mental Coach e Life Coach, ele compartilha sua experiência de 30 anos de Jiu-Jitsu com a comunidade do esporte mundo a fora.
Entre vários títulos conquistados, Gustavo foi campeão Mundial de Jiu-Jitsu adulto da IBJJF na faixa roxa e marrom, campeão Mundial master faixa preta e competiu no ADCC em 2001 e 2003.
Gustavo também é co-fundador do organização não-governamental sem fins lucrativos JIU-JITSU TRIBE. Há mais de dez anos a organização ajuda projetos sociais que oferecem aulas gratuitas de jiu-jitsu em comunidades de baixa renda. Se você quiser saber mais a respeito dos seus projetos visite os seguintes sites:
#cbjj #ibjjf #gustavodantas #gustavodantasjiujitsu #mente blindada #bjjmentalcoach #thebjjmentalcoach #campeonatodejiujitsu #competicaodejiujitsu #podcastmenteblindada #dicasdeluta #jiujitsu #mindset, #mindsetpositivo #gustavodantasbjj
Mat 1
Fights from the 2021 Campeonato Brasileiro de Jiu-Jitsu located at the Arena Poliesportiva Cel. Wenceslau Malta
Estrada São Pedro de Alcantara 2020, Parque Olímpico da Vila Militar
Deodoro, Rio de Janeiro
RJ – 2165435
Order of fights located https://www.bjjcompsystem.com/
Mat 2
Fights from the 2021 Campeonato Brasileiro de Jiu-Jitsu located at the Arena Poliesportiva Cel. Wenceslau Malta
Estrada São Pedro de Alcantara 2020, Parque Olímpico da Vila Militar
Deodoro, Rio de Janeiro
RJ – 2165435
Order of fights located https://www.bjjcompsystem.com/
Please thank The Wilderness Tactical Products for bringing us todays video of Clearing a Drug House is Nasty, Dangerous Stuff (Modesto PD Badge Cam)! To get the ankle IFAK for only $35, sign up here: https://get-asp.com/ankleIFAK and check out their belts here: https://get-asp.com/widlernessbelts. The Wilderness is a fantastic small business and I buy their products myself.
ASP Extra: http://youtube.com/activeselfprotectionextra
ASP Community Standards: https://activeselfprotection.com/page-guidelines/
ASP merch is now in stock in the store…go get a newly designed limited edition ASP polo! http://get-asp.com/store
If you value what we do at ASP, would you consider becoming an ASP Patron Member to support the work it takes to make the narrated videos like Clearing a Drug House is Nasty, Dangerous Stuff (Modesto PD Badge Cam)
? https://get-asp.com/patron or https://get-asp.com/patron-annual gives the details and benefits.
Raw video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjZPv_4NE9U
News story:
Attitude. Skills. Plan.
ASP Sponsors and Recommended Products: https://activeselfprotection.com/recommended-products-and-sponsors/
Mat 4
Fights from the 2021 Campeonato Brasileiro de Jiu-Jitsu located at the Arena Poliesportiva Cel. Wenceslau Malta
Estrada São Pedro de Alcantara 2020, Parque Olímpico da Vila Militar
Deodoro, Rio de Janeiro
RJ – 2165435
Order of fights located https://www.bjjcompsystem.com/
Mat 3
Fights from the 2021 Campeonato Brasileiro de Jiu-Jitsu located at the Arena Poliesportiva Cel. Wenceslau Malta
Estrada São Pedro de Alcantara 2020, Parque Olímpico da Vila Militar
Deodoro, Rio de Janeiro
RJ – 2165435
Order of fights located https://www.bjjcompsystem.com/
Mat 7
Fights from the 2021 Campeonato Brasileiro de Jiu-Jitsu located at the Arena Poliesportiva Cel. Wenceslau Malta
Estrada São Pedro de Alcantara 2020, Parque Olímpico da Vila Militar
Deodoro, Rio de Janeiro
RJ – 2165435
Order of fights located https://www.bjjcompsystem.com/
Mat 6
Fights from the 2021 Campeonato Brasileiro de Jiu-Jitsu located at the Arena Poliesportiva Cel. Wenceslau Malta
Estrada São Pedro de Alcantara 2020, Parque Olímpico da Vila Militar
Deodoro, Rio de Janeiro
RJ – 2165435
Order of fights located https://www.bjjcompsystem.com/
Mat 7
Fights from the 2021 Campeonato Brasileiro de Jiu-Jitsu located at the Arena Poliesportiva Cel. Wenceslau Malta
Estrada São Pedro de Alcantara 2020, Parque Olímpico da Vila Militar
Deodoro, Rio de Janeiro
RJ – 2165435
Order of fights located https://www.bjjcompsystem.com/
Mat 8
Fights from the 2021 Campeonato Brasileiro de Jiu-Jitsu located at the Arena Poliesportiva Cel. Wenceslau Malta
Estrada São Pedro de Alcantara 2020, Parque Olímpico da Vila Militar
Deodoro, Rio de Janeiro
RJ – 2165435
Order of fights located https://www.bjjcompsystem.com/