Do you ever get frustrated with the Gi in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu ? I’m sure you probably do, and if you don’t, give it time.
For me with my wrestling background and my incessant desire to move around. Have you ever noticed how much I rock around in the videos?
I hate the Gi when I first started BJJ. And I’ve had a love hate relationship with the kimono.
In this video, one of our friend’s has a specific question about dealing with a Grip from Back Mount during rolling in his gym. And I will talk about this at a later time. In his message he words it as, “should I give up the gi and just do 10th planet?” Meaning, should I just do No Gi BJJ training.
But in the meantime I wanted to share some thoughts on how to approach BJJ training and the various frustrations that come with it. Because if it isn’t the gi, it will be something else.
In this video I share a couple of stories of how I got frustrated with the gi. 1 story in particular was kind of funny because I ended up destroying a beautiful BJJ gi in the process.
If you’re experiencing some trouble with the gi in BJJ. I hope this video is helpful to you and your BJJ training.
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If you’d ever like to train with the team and I. Check out my gym Derby City MMA in Louisville,KY.