@supermanfoy is one of Seattle’s finest and also one of my favorite training partners. He messaged me through @instagram almost two years ago and we’ve been rolling about once a week ever since. In the beginning, the focus was exclusively #selfdefense and we covered material from the #graciecombatives and #graciesurvivaltactics curriculum which emphasizes the survival mindset, strategies to neutralize strikes from the bottom, weapon retention and handcuffing transitions. Corey recently began exploring the sportive aspect of the art as well and is doing awesome! We grew up in different parts of the country and work for different departments, but we are on the same team on and off the mats. Be safe brother ???⚫️?⚫️??? #bellevue #seattle police #jiujitsu #fitness #outreach #aloha #oahugrown #aiea #georgia #trainweeklyorfightweakly #thatSLOWgrind #protectbellevuedotcom