Getting flattened out in Side Control and being stuck underneath someone can be one of the toughest things to deal with as a White Belt in BJJ.
In the video a 6 Week White Belt is having this exact problem. He’s getting flattened out and crushed underneath larger Blue and Purple Belts.
Now as I express in the video. If you’re a BJJ White Belt and you’re against a Blue or Purple Belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.
There’s probably nothing you can do to deal with it.
Their experience in Brazilian Jiujitsu will typically be too great for you to deal with.
But one of the simple lessons that really makes a big difference when trying to escape Side Control.
Is start by forgetting about the actual escape. And see if you can simply stay on your side.
If you’re on your side, your ability to escape Side Control goes up dramatically.
And I find that my White Belts experience a sharp increase in their ability to escape Cross Side in BJJ by simply focusing 1st on staying on their side.
So if you are experiencing this same issue. My challenge to you is this!
When you’re rolling during your next BJJ class. Just see if you can stay on your side by using the tips described in this video.
Hope the video helped!
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