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Some of the best takeaways from @renergracie’s seminars aren’t techniques. Being

Some of the best takeaways from @renergracie’s seminars aren’t techniques. Being in my 40’s and wanting to train until my kids have kids and they are all grown up, this mindset really resonated with me because the way I had been training wasn’t sustainable. I asked, and Rener was nice enough to let me share this with you all.

On Saturday, September 22nd he and @ryrongracie will be teaching two seminars together at the Washington State Criminal Justice Training Center (police academy) in Burien! There will be 3500+ sq feet of mat space and lots of parking but last time there were more than 120 practitioners from all over the ? so go to and sign up early! Should be another awesome time on the mats! ??⚫️?⚫️? #bellevue #police #selfdefense #oldman #jiujitsu #invest #trainsmart #outreach #aloha #heliogracie #trainweeklyorfightweakly #protectbellevuedotcom

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