Reader Interactions


  1. Some people store baseball bats under the counter, this guy stores chilli powder haha. All jokes aside, Luton is quite a dangerous place and the shopkeeper was lucky that these guys didn’t want to hurt him. Also in these more dangerous cities I wouldn’t put it past people to have an actual working firearm.

  2. So bad that people from England and Canada don't have the right to have tools on them to defend themselves. It's terrible that I need to think about how to improvise tools if caught in a bad situation. Like Canadians can even legally carry pepper spray from my knowledge!!

  3. What an arse. Name a civilized society in history that had its citizens running around with unregulated guns. Your gun politics are not just a failure, they are an epic failure buried on the trash heap of history. What grade did you drop out of while stroking your gun? Jungle ape.

  4. I always had a can of carb or brake cleaner in my work truck before I got my CCW license. Anyone that’s had just a tiny amount spray back in their eyes from working on cars knows it sucks. Imagine a full on blast to the face. That will detour someone real quick. And it’ll shoot a good 8 feet ?

  5. John you keep comparing England to Us and that's not right. That is a different culture all together and just because you keep saying that good people are not able to defend themselves there does not mean they are not doing it in some way or another! Just because it's not our way doesn't mean it's the wrong way your emphasis on it just made me see you as a different type of person because of it! Einstein even said you cannot grade a fish on what a monkey can do! Think about it before you start putting it out as if we all need to carry guns. It is that very idea that has made us one of the most gun violent country! I love your videos but your opinions are not necessary bro just your experience and skill!

  6. If them kids get caught. They’ll get PS4 a Mobile phone a nice little holiday in a cat d prison and plenty of drugs to smoke ? full access to face book , And sell drugs with there weekly drone drop

  7. That shop owner is incredibly lucky! From the arm flinch after the gun holder was hit with powder, it really looked like the bad guy tried to pull the trigger.

  8. Probably not a real gun, but an airgun. Looking inside a gun barrel with most airsoft guns you can clearly see a bronze coloured inner barrel.