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I'm interested to know if pharmaceutical drugs had a role to play in his mentality, it looks as if it did he looks mad that he's not getting his meds on demand.
cant watch
Should I watch it or not? I don't know what to do
she is bleeden and died. 20 times knife injured.
Nooooo… I don't like when they attack with a knife..f#%!
Thats it i am never going out again, i cant believe that someone could do that to a woman.
This was hard to watch without any possibility to help her……………damn…………..
It was a pure coward and horrendous act.
I'm glad it was in USA because the law there is way serious against a killer. At least justice will be made.
Poor woman rest in peace.
There a special place in hell for this bastard,, after her family gets to filet him til his death.
Wow unfuckin believable. Such a pussy to do this to a woman.
This is why. Everyone should Arm themselves. Better to have it & Not need it. Opposed to needing it, not having it. Judged by 12 vs Carried by 6. Your call your choice.. Arizona is a GREAT.! State ?
Damn this is terrible..
Worst thing I've ever seen in my life. I just can't comprehend the depravity of a person to be able to do that. It's just ridiculously sad.
Ugh, this was a rough one John
She had no chance there. Just a brutal murder – better don't watch this.
Damn it was like a prison shanking
Really hard to watch. But extremely important for people to see. I catch a lot of flack from friends for showing these to my kids (8,11,14) but I want them to know this evil exists. Ignorance breeds contempt. My self and my love ones will not be complicit and let evils like this have the chance of catching us off guard. Knowing how to defend yourself is important, but you have to also know what it is u will be forced to defend against.
Crime of passion. Definitely not random. Security theater…well put John
Such a brutal and painful way to die. It was difficult to watch. At the point he was on top of her, he probably was cutting her neck, she was still struggling a little bit, but few seconds later she became still and wasn't struggling anymore. It was then he got off her her and left.
There's a special place in Hell ?? for human demons like that murder.
My heart goes out to her family.
how sad. it's so gut wrenching
Thank you for the warning
— totally speechless.
mayde, this mah will penalty a 15-18 years a prison. They have 2 kids.
I know from a very close person to me that men would like to turn violent after break up. I can only say if the person you left is violent already don't wait for any protection from anyone. Change your city country etc for all costs and start a new life. I don't understand why..maybe it's a male thing.. They just can't let go.. If you don't like one person go ahead and start a fresh relationship with someone else. Why is it so hard to break up if you hate the person already..
Can someone tell me what happened? I couldn't watch.
If you aware of this but there was a second person entering the public area was either an accomplice or a customer who can made a phone call.
It was in Kazakhstan, but in Russia, there are so many similar crimes. In our village of 1500 people in Chuvashia, 1 man stabbed his wife to death, got a 7-year sentence, got out, married and stubbed his other wife to death again. He got 10 years though. He's gotten out.
Russian jails are hell on earth. This is where he will be training for the afterlife.
That poor woman may she rest in peace in heaven. As for that pos the devil will be rubbing his hands now.
This has all the marks of a personal attack. She might be his ex, for example.
John did they catch this monster. That what I want to know?
OMG that was horrifying! She was helpless!
i apologaies for my english.
Anybody see the ridiculous video VICE just put out about how there’s no such thing as a good guy with a gun?
Damn…that was friggin ruthless and brutal…Hope they get him
Death penalty for that demon.
I hope he gets his, oh it's in Kazahstan , & if they have Sharia law, than he'll just get a slap on the wrist. Cause women have no value in that law & it seem to always be their fault in that law.
I am still wondering why did she go over to him when he was climbing over the wall. I would have ran the other way. Got the hell out of there. Ex husband. Ignoring him. Sitting down while he was trying to talk to her. She must have known it was coming.
This was so hard to watch. :'(
This is why no one shouldn't care about the rules on a job. Always have your own protection.
Now don't be so sure he's going to hell because you Christians know all he's got to do is ask forgiveness in Jesus name and all are saved
Ohhh nooooo my godd
Thanks for the warning of "security theater". I believe it is far more common than real security. I am thinking of airports, and many sporting events these days with the security they present.
WOW! You were right, a very tough one to watch. Guess there is no word if this piece of shit coward was caught right? God is my witness, what goes around comes around. He will get his for sure!
Everyone needs a firearm
That woman did not stand a chance, maybe if she had a fire arm. The last part of the attack when he was cutting her neck made my skin crawl. I hope this sick bastard gets the death penalty