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Ready for another epic summer Posted @withrepost • @bellevuewapolicerecruiting T

Ready for another epic summer???? Posted @withrepost • @bellevuewapolicerecruiting There are good summer camps, there are great summer camps, and then there is the @bellevueskatepark summer skate camp! Come through and celebrate the indoor park’s remodel and its 25 year anniversary! We would love to have more good people from all walks of life on our team and #wearehiring! Our entry level hiring portal is still open and lateral applicants are eligible for a limited time 16k signing bonus! Up to 95.8k in base pay, not counting incentives (an additional 5-17% with a degree + longevity pay). Patrol officers get 4-5 consecutive days off each work cycle and two weekends off per month. Additionally, we will be one of the first department’s in the country to equip all patrol officers with @sigsauerinc p320 RX duty pistols that have issued @sigsaueroptics and a mounted light! For more information go to or email officer Craig Hanaumi ( ** @offthetopfernbuckle is a trained professional. Do NOT try this on your own** #bellevue #police #skateboarding #streetplantbattalion #outreach #aloha #makeadifference #skatelikeacop #fitness #protectbellevuedotcom

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