Muscle imbalances occur not only in BJJ, but from life in general. Most of the things that we do throughout the day places us in a forward head and rounded shoulders posture as well as a bent trunk along with bent knees and hips.
A great way to think about muscle symmetry is to stretch the areas that are tight (neck muscles, pec, front of the hips, and hamstrings), while strengthening the areas that may not be activated as much (back of the shoulders and shoulder blade musculature, glutes, and outer hips).
These are just general guidelines and just because muscle are tight does not mean they are strong and vice versa, muscles that are stretched/loose are not necessarily weak, but these are just general guidelines so take this information with the idea that there are variables and not absolutes when discussing posture and muscle symmetry.
Here are a few of the videos I recommend but there are plenty on my page and other pages so feel free to explore and see what works!
Also, check out my e-Book for healthy shoulders, which is a good place to get some solid stretches and strengthening exercises as well!
Neck and shoulder stretching:
Shoulder and shoulder-blade strengthening:
Hip stretching: or the hip mobility sequence:
Hip strengthening:
If you are in the Louisville area and dealing with injuries, reach out at to see how we can help you get back to training.
More videos and exercise tips at
Check out The Jiu-Jitsu Therapist Podcast with great conversations on some big names in grappling and injury-prevention and training tips.…
Thanks to my sponsor Defense Soap. Check them out at
Check out the knee braces that I recommend for BJJ:
Instagram: the_jiujitsu_therapist
Twitter: jiujitsuPT
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