#entertheburrito ?????Posted @withrepost • @bellevuewapolicerecruiting We are very fortunate to have some of the most talented #martialarts practitioners in the world teach at our station. When @10thplanetseattle black belt @nateorch10p stopped by he showed us a control /entry hold that he called the “burrito grip.” Nathan then demonstrated how this grip configuration can lead into several takedowns and clinch entries. We enjoyed it so much that it is now officially part of our #defensivetactics curriculum. Nathan is one of the best active Jiu-Jitsu competitors in the world and he teaches day and evening classes here in Bellevue. We are very lucky to have him in our #community.
We are one of the most progressive departments in the country when it comes to training and we would love to have more practitioners and good people from all walks of life on our team! The entry level hiring portal is open and lateral applicants are eligible for a limited time 16k signing bonus! Up to 95.8k in base pay, not counting incentives (an additional 5-17% with a degree + longevity pay). Additionally, we will be one of the first department’s in the country to equip all patrol officers with @sigsauerinc p320 RX duty pistols that have issued #reddot optics and a mounted flashlight! For more information go to protectbellevue.com or contact officer Craig Hanaumi (chanaumi@bellevuewa.gov) #bellevue #police #wearehiring #selfdefense #fitness #outreach #aloha #burritogrip #makeadifference #work #trainweeklyorfightweakly #protectbellevuedotcom