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Overcoming injuries as a master competitor 🥋👴🏼 Superando lesões como competidor master

Overcoming injuries as a master competitor 🥋👴🏼 Superando lesões como competidor master

Are nagging injuries keeping you from competing again? 🤕🏆

Especially for master competitors, recovery isn’t as quick as it was at 21. In this video, I share three key points to consider when dealing with injuries and a strategy to navigate the recovery process.

✅ Acceptance is crucial—you’re injured, and it is what it is. The only thing you can do is commit to 100% recovery and take the necessary steps to get there.

I also share my experience with @inside.the.fight @newhoperegeneration and how it has helped with my injuries. Hopefully, this message can inspire, impact, or improve your journey in some way. 💪🔥

Enjoy! 🎥👊

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