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One question that I get asked a lot is “How did you start training?” I had the

One question that I get asked a lot is “How did you start training?”

I had the privilege of talking about that and other things on the @iura_llc Leaderist #podcast hosted by Officer Cali Hinzman and the late Officer Lexi Harris about one year ago. I started my journey in 2008 and it’s pretty cool to see how the art has helped me develop as a person while simultaneously providing me with a way to protect myself, control someone without hurting them, get a great #workout, release stress, and also providing a way for us to connect and build positive relationships in our #community.

While I agree that it would be fantastic if all officers regularly trained, I do not think the art should be a prerequisite. Jiu-jitsu, like so many other things, can be learned during the career of someone in #lawenforcement, ideally on duty during the officer’s shift! Unfortunately that is not possible at most places, but people like @renergracie have proposed feasible ways for cities and departments to provide incentives for all officers to learn this amazing art. I am proud to represent it in some way. 🙏🏽🥋🚔🤙🏽 #police #selfdefense #graciesurvivaltactics #outreach #aloha #makeadifference #lexiharris #gonebutneverforgotten #trainweeklyorfightweakly #aiea #oahugrown

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