One of the most applicable parts of #jiujitsu for #lawenforcement is the ability to control someone without hurting them from a variety of positions on top and on the bottom. My friend @natetrahan is about my size, and he was kind enough to let me pressure test some things at our station. I got to work on a takedown I learned from @nateorch10p and some techniques from the #graciesurvivaltactics course. Here are some principles and concepts:
-Distance management for punch protection. The two safe ranges from strikes are all the way out (two arm lengths or more) or all the way in.
-Overhooks for punch protection, underhooks for #weaponretention. This principle applies to both standing and ground close quarter situations.
-The only time mount should be chosen as a position of control (over side control / cross body) is when the top person has jiu-jitsu training since the top person is much more rollable from mount. Our tools are also much more accessible from the mount.
The twisting arm control (TAC) / gift wrap position I transitioned to at the end provides fantastic control. I hadn’t done it in a while and you can see I didn’t angle my right foot away from Nate’s body as a base point or pressure into him with my hips to prevent a possible reversal. Luckily I have people like him to help me get these looks in training so I can improve. 🙏🏽🥋🚔🤙🏽 #police #selfdefense #control #outreach #aloha #makeadifference #aiea #oahugrown #trainweeklyorfightweakly #policeweek