One of the first sweeps I learned was the hook sweep (aka tripod sweep). It’s a fun one to try against someone who is standing and it works really well with the punch block series from the GST and Combatives curriculum. Presuming the back of your duty belt is clear it feels pretty similar in uniform versus without. For those who are familiar, I noticed that the sickle sweep (aka cross sweep) is much harder to hit with a duty belt on because being on your side often twists up the belt and shifts the gear around. Day by day. Have you ever tried training in uniform? It’s a lot harder! Make sure you do a safety check first! **shoes were cleaned before stepping on the mat** ???⚫️?⚫️?#bellevue #police #selfdefense #jiujitsu #oldman #fitness #outreach #aloha #oahugrown #aiea #graciesurvivaltactics #trainweeklyorfightweakly #protectbellevuedotcom