Reader Interactions


  1. Holy fuck, where's your big belly? I haven't visited here in a few months and when I come now you're not a big fat one anymore. Looking better now ??

  2. See, even cops can be crazy. Yet the public feels so safe when a cop is around but if a random citizen open carries in public people go fucking nuts.

  3. John, you'd be amazed what a person is capable of doing when they find their spouse cheating on them! I almost killed my husband, but God got ahold of me before I could! I realized he wasn't worth going to prison for life or even how long, "In the Heat of the Moment, 2nd Degree Killing" would have gotten me. I was just so upset. If I didn't have God and Jesus as my Savior, I may have killed him when I found out he was cheating! Sometimes someone's stupidity is so stupid you can't do anything but respond in a manner that supercedes stupid! I've learned though, God can take away a lot of hurt in time, but when you are in the moment…it takes an act of God to refrain from hurting or killing your spouse or both cheaters!

  4. This is why i distrust law enforcement. I bet each of those officers jailed or fined someone for something as simple as registration or parking tickets the same day.