Pieing Out Wide 1. His approach is called slicing the pie or pieing out wide 2. The trade off is he's out in the wind/no cover 3. Better approach is passenger side approach 4. BEST approach is standing behind your unit ballistic panel door having the driver exit.
I have a Bug-A-Salt gun that is very effective against flies in the garage. But trying to use it against a raccoon would be as stupid as this guy pulling a full sized shotgun while seated inside a truck. Lesson learned: don't drive while being an idiot.
Then many complain that the police are "brutal" or too much investigators. Here you risk your life .. It is not important if you look good or have graduated. who knows you? we do not even know ourselves completely. you could be Dr jekyll and mister hyde! That's why I'm with the police. To die for having trusted a criminal or hypothetical that, out of nowhere comes out a gun is shooting you, it is an injustice that screams revenge before God.
Fast enough? That HAD to be the clumsiest,slowest draw i've ever seen a cop do.i count three full seconds between the beep and his first shot.he took four backpedalling steps before he finished his draw.if the perp had a pistol instead of trying to spin a shotgun around,he would have been dead three times before he made that Barney Fife draw!
And it all happens almost faster than you can think. I have HUGE respect for all police officers and what they are doing every day. Thank you again John for sharing these videos to help us "civilians" stay alert to what we need to be aware of and the training we should be getting. Be safe! Randy
Some of these do go extremely fast don't they. A few years ago I was on the job and we had a couple guys who were in an altercation arguing with each other and apparently one of them had swung at the other. We showed up to figure out what was going on and when I walked up to the first gentleman to start asking what was going on being polite as I could be he just turned and punched me straight in the face. I never saw it coming and I still don't know why he did it.
I just wonder: If I pulled over someone that has been driving crazy and aggressively aa you stated, it is not a time to come up to the driver as if it were a "normal" traffic stop.
The angle of the officers approach is too wide and advantages to the driver.
Hand should be on his firearm if not in his hand.
I practiced my approach from as much as behind the driver as possible.
I also practice drawing and shooting at targets while transitioning either left or right of the shooter. You can't always move back.
Movie straight back or forward makes you in essence, a stationary target. Lateral movement does not.
I prefer, if possible to move in a direction opposite of the shooter's hand if he is holding a gun in one hand. This makes it slightly harder for him to track you since he will have to pivote at some point to continue tracking you.
If the bad guy is holding his gun in his right hand, and my turn comes, I draw and acquire a target while moving to the suspect 's left while shooting at him. In my mind I am trying to get behind him.
The theory is that if a man with a gun is surprised by bullets hitting him from his left side, he would have to pivote to his left to bring his gun to target. If his target is moving laterally faster than he can pivot, target is harder to aquire especially if rounds are entering his body.
However if bullets are striking his right side (gun hand side) he only has to move his arm to acquire target.
Arm movements are faster than lateral movement.
Lateral movement is faster than pivoting unless you are trained to do so.
I had to look into this a bit… Joseph Frank Carlton was arraigned Wednesday in Livonia’s 16th District Court on several criminal counts, including felonious assault, felony firearm, felon in possession, assaulting/resisting a police officer, operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated second offense, and driving while license revoked. He was charged as a habitual offender second notice. Carlton was given a $1 million cash or surety bond.
This incident happened on April 10th. He was discharged on APRIL 9TH after 2 years for a Felony Firearms conviction. This is the type of guy who needs to be put away well into his elderly years, or just never released again.
How can someone watch this and still think it’s okay that cops make basically nothing for a salary while athletes make millions. Our society’s priorities are seriously screwed up
I really can't figure out why people would thumbs-down this vid (or any of John's for that matter) Officer was in danger for his life, non-compliant suspect, what would you people like him to do, get shot? I just shake my head at some people….. nice work as always John.
0 to 60 in 3.5 seconds,man,call this guy officer hellcat!
Amazing content John. I look forward to the next video daily.
So, was it a wild shot or a richochet that took out the back window?
I'm thankful that man was taken off the street. News report was telling. The man needs Jesus.
Suicide by cop.
driver lived..what a shame
Pieing Out Wide
1. His approach is called slicing the pie or pieing out wide
2. The trade off is he's out in the wind/no cover
3. Better approach is passenger side approach
4. BEST approach is standing behind your unit ballistic panel door having the driver exit.
Finally, no adds. Thumbs up from me
I have a Bug-A-Salt gun that is very effective against flies in the garage. But trying to use it against a raccoon would be as stupid as this guy pulling a full sized shotgun while seated inside a truck.
Lesson learned: don't drive while being an idiot.
Lookin good John, great video
Then many complain that the police are "brutal" or too much investigators. Here you risk your life .. It is not important if you look good or have graduated. who knows you? we do not even know ourselves completely. you could be Dr jekyll and mister hyde! That's why I'm with the police. To die for having trusted a criminal or hypothetical that, out of nowhere comes out a gun is shooting you, it is an injustice that screams revenge before God.
That officer must have been a combat soldier before because his technique was flawless
Fast enough? That HAD to be the clumsiest,slowest draw i've ever seen a cop do.i count three full seconds between the beep and his first shot.he took four backpedalling steps before he finished his draw.if the perp had a pistol instead of trying to spin a shotgun around,he would have been dead three times before he made that Barney Fife draw!
Did the perp take the RTC?
what the heck is wrong with people today?kill a cop???WHY?
And it all happens almost faster than you can think.
I have HUGE respect for all police officers and what
they are doing every day.
Thank you again John for sharing these videos to help
us "civilians" stay alert to what we need to be aware of
and the training we should be getting.
Be safe!
Some of these do go extremely fast don't they. A few years ago I was on the job and we had a couple guys who were in an altercation arguing with each other and apparently one of them had swung at the other. We showed up to figure out what was going on and when I walked up to the first gentleman to start asking what was going on being polite as I could be he just turned and punched me straight in the face. I never saw it coming and I still don't know why he did it.
The suspect got shot twice, he survived, if anyone wondered. The cop was not hit.
Great job by the officer. Great video by John.
Every time. Day or night. You must hope for the best. But expect the worst.
Very well done on the part of the officer.
I just wonder: If I pulled over someone that has been driving crazy and aggressively aa you stated, it is not a time to come up to the driver as if it were a "normal" traffic stop.
The angle of the officers approach is too wide and advantages to the driver.
Hand should be on his firearm if not in his hand.
I practiced my approach from as much as behind the driver as possible.
I also practice drawing and shooting at targets while transitioning either left or right of the shooter. You can't always move back.
Movie straight back or forward makes you in essence, a stationary target. Lateral movement does not.
I prefer, if possible to move in a direction opposite of the shooter's hand if he is holding a gun in one hand. This makes it slightly harder for him to track you since he will have to pivote at some point to continue tracking you.
If the bad guy is holding his gun in his right hand, and my turn comes, I draw and acquire a target while moving to the suspect 's left while shooting at him. In my mind I am trying to get behind him.
The theory is that if a man with a gun is surprised by bullets hitting him from his left side, he would have to pivote to his left to bring his gun to target. If his target is moving laterally faster than he can pivot, target is harder to aquire especially if rounds are entering his body.
However if bullets are striking his right side (gun hand side) he only has to move his arm to acquire target.
Arm movements are faster than lateral movement.
Lateral movement is faster than pivoting unless you are trained to do so.
I don't do the Facebook thing. Are you coming to Augusta Ga???
I work in Livonia!
I had to look into this a bit… Joseph Frank Carlton was arraigned Wednesday in Livonia’s 16th District Court on several criminal counts, including felonious assault, felony firearm, felon in possession, assaulting/resisting a police officer, operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated second offense, and driving while license revoked. He was charged as a habitual offender second notice. Carlton was given a $1 million cash or surety bond.
This incident happened on April 10th. He was discharged on APRIL 9TH after 2 years for a Felony Firearms conviction. This is the type of guy who needs to be put away well into his elderly years, or just never released again.
How can someone watch this and still think it’s okay that cops make basically nothing for a salary while athletes make millions. Our society’s priorities are seriously screwed up
Well that escalated quickly
I really can't figure out why people would thumbs-down this vid (or any of John's for that matter) Officer was in danger for his life, non-compliant suspect, what would you people like him to do, get shot? I just shake my head at some people….. nice work as always John.
I had a dream i was shot on the gut