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Not being soft.. This is How to be a father on the old fashion style … I have …

Not being soft.. This is How to be a father on the old fashion style ?… I have to bring back one of our greatest heroes .. John Wayne .. More American than Apple Pie, my hero on my childhood ??….He was Always just a little talk but making clear the message …. Do not be angry with us for trying to make you facing life with hardness and firmness .. And Jiujitsu always the best tool.. take it to the bottom of your soul giving the best of you….. ???????
Sem frescuragem Como ser um pai a moda antiga… tenho que lembrar de um de nossos grandes heróis.. John Wayne.. Casca grossa da pesada sem conversa fiada mas sempre deixando claro o recado…. Não fique nunca zangado por nós quereremos te ver encarando a vida com dureza e firmeza.. E Jiujitsu sempre.. até a alma….. ???????

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