How do you tell your partner it was a Neck Crank and not a Choke without seeming whiny or upset.
Well technically I believe what we do is actually a strangle. As the definition of strangle is . . .
squeeze or constrict the neck of (a person or animal), especially so as to cause death.
But we’ll use choke to keep it simple for this BJJ video. 🙂
In this video I got asked how to bring up the somewhat taboo topic of letting your partner know that their choke was in fact a strangle.
A lot of times people in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu dislike the neck crank and consider it a dick move. Primarily because it often just hurts and creates injury. Whereas a clean choke actually puts someone to sleep with typically no injury.
But as I talk about in the video. The neck crank is a legit submission. And in gym training it may be a smart idea to tap to them to avoid risk of injury to your neck.
But that said, I think many of us would like to have that clean choke which puts someone to sleep rather than causing them to walk around stiff as a board for a week.
And in that case I believe it’s important for BJJ practitioners to communicate with their training partners. Sometimes during the submissions themselves.
In this video I discuss how to bring up the subject of whether or not it’s a choke or crank without coming across as a sore loser.
Hope the video helps!
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