Much respect and gratitude to @kaynanduarte and the @atosjiujitsuhq for taking this match.
From the beginning I wanted this match because it would be a great challenge, since he’s current Ultra-heavyweight ADCC champion.
I hope your guys enjoy the breakdown. We’re investing a lot to bring some free Jiu Jitsu knowledge for you guys. Please leave your feed back on the comments.
Please follow: @kingzkimonos @fighterschoice @immediateenglish @bjjworldchamp @fightsportsmiami
Muito respeito e gratidão ao @kaynanduarte e também ao time @atosjiujitsuhq por ter aceitado está luta.
Desde o início eu queria está luta porque seria um grande desafio, mesmo porque ele é o atual campeão Ultra-pesado do ADCC.
Espero que vocês estejam aproveitando estes conteúdos que estamos postando.
Estamos investido bastante para trazer um pouco de conhecimento gratuito para vocês. Sempre agradecemos os comentários para que possamos continuar melhorando.
Por favor sigam: @kingzkimonos @fighterschoice @immediateenglish @bjjworldchamp @fightsportsmiami
#repost from @vagnerrochabjj
I’m so proud of @cyborgbjj for this win last weekend on the @bjjbetofficial. Heading to this tournament before he left to Brasil we drilled this position for the entire week straight.
We practiced alot of 50/50 pendulum sweep, single leg X and outside Ashi counters. Where the athlete needs to open the leg to create the momentum necessary to break the balance. We realized that on that moment the heel is left exposed because most IBJJF athletes don’t have to worry about heel hooks attacks.
Cyborg executed the technique perfectly and surprised his opponent by attacking the heel hook when Kayna was focusing on breaking his balance. He was so ahead setting up the heel hook that he effectively had his grips before even landing on the ground.
I’m planning on posting breakdowns like this every week. If you would like to sponsor a post and have your brand featured at the end of one of these videos please DM me for more information.
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