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Mobility Deficits of UFC fighters: Part 3 – Shoulder ••••••••••••••• The violent

Mobility Deficits of UFC fighters: Part 3 – Shoulder
The violent nature of MMA it is not surprising that @ufc fighters would have multiple chronic injuries, inadequate joint health and suboptimal mobility.
@ufcpi started to perform orthopedic assessments on fighters and discovered a few areas of common mobility deficits among UFC athletes when compared to non-combat elite athletes.
Key areas to address: Average range of motion in degrees for UFC fighters (ROM range) compared to average range of motion in degrees for other elite athletes
Flexion: 173.8 (155-181) vs. >180
Abduction: 176.8 (146.5-189) vs. >180
Internal rotation: 60 (40-89.5) vs. >70
External rotation: 110.85 (73.150) vs. >90
Possible explanations for suboptimal mobility and joint health (Personal opinion, no research to support).
1️⃣Chronic injuries
2️⃣Joint Microtrauma
3️⃣Insufficient use of the range of motion.
Shoulder: Strikers have to generate tremendous force for their punches. The repetitive impact from hitting pads, the heavy bag and sparring, it is not surprising that shoulder health might suffer. Grapplers will have significant accumulation of micro trauma from repetitive shoulder and elbow locks stressing the joint.
What can you do to improve glenohumeral motion and shoulder joint health?
1️⃣Sleeper stretch: Using rotational inputs to improve linear motion. The use of internal rotation is to create more space in the joint capsule.
2️⃣Progressive isometric angular loading: Following a 2 minute hold you can add isometric inputs of 10-15” with gradually increasing tension. Mechanical tension to attempt to create plastic changes to the capsule followed up with isometrics for improved neural drive.
3️⃣Controlled articular rotations: full pain-free movements in all directions: flexion, rotation and extension. ❌Do not rotate through pain. Move in pain-free motions and see a healthcare professional/ @functionalrangerelease practitioner to assess and treat your shoulder.

In my next post I will discuss movements to improve hip movement and health.
A Cross-Sectional Performance Analysis and Projection of the UFC Athlete: UFC Performance Institute

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