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Memorial Day Special: 25% off + exclusive t-shirt . Join now the only place o…

🔥 Memorial Day Special: 25% off + exclusive t-shirt 🔥
Join now, the only place on Earth to learn from Master Rickson Gracie and get 25% off at the annual plan + an exclusive t-shirt for FREE (shipping included).
Sing up at and get access to:
• 30 lessons from the Self.Defense.Unit
• Master Rickson’s philosophy
• All previous 16 live classes
• Ask me anything sessions
• Breathing techniques
• 6 different courses so far
• Rare footage
• And more
✅ Guarantee your annual subscription, from $199.99/year to $149.99 for the first year ✅
This Special condition is valid until May 31st at 11:59 pm!
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Please use the code “JITSEASY10” for all your DVD & Digital Download orders at Digitsu to get 10% off (and help my channel out)! Thanks for the support 🙏

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