Like many of us, Kiley has had her share of ups and downs in life, and her mom was looking for a positive active/community to help and support her. We connected her to @warriorstrengthtrainer and his gym and she completed her first week of jiu-jitsu last week. Like many of us during the beginning of our journeys, she felt overwhelmed the amount of information she didn’t know. Her grandma brought her by the station and we spent some time going over some concepts and principles which seemed to help. If you have any advice or words of encouragement for her, feel free to leave a comment below ???⚫️?⚫️?#bellevue #police #jiujitsu #outreach #aloha #makeadifference #selfdefense #womenempowered #bjj #shoyoroll #albinoandpreto #worldclan #protectbellevuedotcom