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Learn 3 of the most effective pressure passes in jiu jitsu with Conner DeAngelis…

Learn 3 of the most effective pressure passes in jiu jitsu with Conner DeAngelis.⠀

Conner’ pressure passing course ‘Passing With A Side (Of) Smash’ is out now on⠀

Inside this course you will be learning 3 of THE MOST EFFECTIVE pressure passes in jiu jitsu:⠀

✅The over under pass.⠀
✅The over over pass. (DC special)⠀
✅The side smash.⠀

👉Follow the link in our bio to enroll in Conner’s pressure passing course to learn how to pass anyone’s guard using nothing but good aul slow cooking pressure.♨️ Satisfaction guaranteed.⠀

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