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Amanda Ribas on Mackenzie Dern Win
Cub Swanson vs Kron Gracie post fight media scrum
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JIU JITSU FRIENDS RASHGUARD– https://forms.gle/cT3SGQQKGrHrw6ky7
And yo who still fucking with mckenzie derns accent?
kron go have some kron sushi listen to swanson be humble
You can tell Kron trains with the Diaz brothers. He sucks and he thinks he wins when he loses.
Go back to your little comfort circle Gracie
Diaz Kronjitsu : Taking a very clear L and pretty much schooled in the feet to then outright say " I won that fight " keep drinking the coolade bro
Just like a Gracie can't take getting their ass beat how many Gracie's did Sakaraba beat very poor loser's
Too much ego goes with the name of the Gracies..
BJJ doesn't work in the street
Kron vs CM Punk……….Come on Dana!!!
3:23 That Happy Brazilian girl is the New Joel Romero.
Kron Gracie still thinking he is still undefeated after a loss,who does this man think he is?
He should know, there is only 1 Chael Sonnon
The fight metrics say Cub landed more significant strikes, and I think he won also. However I have just watched the entire fight at .25 speed and it was a revelation. Slowing down the fight neutralised some of my observer bias that Kron can't strike. Having watched the entire fight again at very slow speed, I am surprised at how close this really was, Cub still won but only by a small margin. Hit the settings wheel and watch it at .25, this fight in particular is a revelation at that speed.
This is typical Gracie shit, since day one they refuse to accept any losses which makes them look stupid.
Kron: Get's knocked out askren style.
Kron: I won that fight..
Kron smoking to much heffer pohha !
Definitely give kron rd 1 and 2. He landed alot of right hands and pressed forward the whole time. Cub had the body shots and bisping commentary and McGregor style running away. Kron landed alot of good shit and that up kick was awesome. But Different folks different strokes
Strange girl
No, Kron. You didn’t.
Kronbaby got that ass whooped

…and Royler still believes he won against Sakuraba.
Did Kron actually say that? I’m skeptical of that Toyo tire ad and how this video is trying to frame it like Kron said that. Is there any footage of him being a bad sport and claiming a W for the official loss?
Sean astin knows a lot about heel hooks lol
Your jiu jutsu doesnt mean shit if you cant take him to the ground…thats why learn some wrestling takedowns dumbass(Kron)
Judges decisions are always debatable but for sure the rest of the division is licking their chops to fight kron rn
thats a nice shirt, anyone know who makes it?
Poor fella that Kron he don’t know how to fight
i wanna see the kron interview…he cant really be that delusional to think he won the fight…mabye he thought its still the good old UFC days where a Gracie always wins a decision…freaked me out when he got excitedt at the end of the fight and really looked like he expected to get his hand raised…
If kron was going to fight mma at the end, his mistake was not to train Muay thai while he was doing bjj, if he has done that he will never loose, mma is not like it was when Royce was fighting, anyway rickson My favorite fighter
I don’t like it when the Diaz brothers act unprofessional after a loss. Looks like Gracie is emulating that same childish behavior.