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Andre's academy = his rules. If you don't agree leave. As simple as that. What is all the fuss about?! If you don't stick to the rules as a black belt and you get away with this what signal does this send to the lower ranks? Oh I can disrespect my teacher and it's ok!
The rumor is that Keenan is half a fag. I heard it was a locker room issue. Take his fruity pink belt away. QueenAN
“Conflicts of interest” on how they want to train. More like Atos wants Keenan to juice and Keenan doesn’t want to juice
That perfectly focused background… Great job by the camera man.
Danis 2 – tomato cans 0
Keenan Cartmanelius.
Keenan can't complain about other stories surfacing about why he left Atos. He never came out with a statement explaining the spilt which left room for interpretation. If he just said what he said just now two months ago it could of satisfied his fans and not lingered like a bad smell all this time. Ethier way I'm glad he is moving on to better opportunities.
Keenan should open his own academy in Los Angeles.
Im always late for work. A true creative person sometimes has these quirks. When I came onto the current company at we were in storage garage. Now we own a two buildings at 20k sq. ft. and 6 acres. I'm a partner, VP of Operations and Design/Engineering. Sometimes (be it very rarely) you have to treat people differently if they bring very different skills to the table. You shouldn't mistreat people by any means but sometimes you have to work with people rather than around them.
Swaying side to side, “I can barely walk “. Horse shit. Dillon is lying.
KC sounds like a spoiled kid
Open your own school or stop complaining. If you're late to work all the time, you get written up and fired eventually. If you're late to bjj class, you disrupt the class. Either spend a few bucks on a watch, alarm clock or set your phone timer. How hard is it to show up to bjj class on time? It's not like classes start at 5am… What is Keenan busy doing, taking care of 5 kids and working 3 jobs? Sounds spoiled
No Hespect…..
I want Bjj steroids account back in IG.
I wish Josh Hinger would stfu and let Keenan talk. Like him or hate him, still would like to hear what he has to say without being interrupted constantly. (Btw a fan of both)
Typical Brazilian bullshit. The Brazilian people create major cliques in academies. Atos is one of the worst. Probably because Keenan wouldn’t take Bomba lol
People making drama out of this. Keenan seems pretty chilled not needing to talk about it much other than expressing the difference in their perspectives. It's good for him to move on to continue his creativity and personal growth in his BJJ journey. ATOS has its leadership and set of standards and Keenen is not disputing them or imposing his beliefs on them to change. The person that appears to be interviewing him is insistent in stirring up the pot for no good reason. Respect and best wishes to ATOS/Andre and Keenen.
The more Americans and Europeans become involved in the sport, the more the primitive hierarchical culture in BJJ will change. Keenan's issues with Galvao foreshadow this change.
Black belts get away with everything lol
It's Andre Galvao's academy. He sets the rules. Whatever rules he wants. Those rules are not open for debate. Don't wanna follow them, don´t train there. When Keenan opens up his own academy, he can set his own rules on how he wants his students to behave and his academy to function. Simple as that.
I don't think anyone encapsulated my views on guys not wanting to drill better then Ben Askren.
BJJ gyms are especially guilty of this. Drilling is absolutely essential to perfecting technique. You don't let a wrestler who has only had a few yrs wrestling, wrestle at practice all the time, so they can "get a feel" for real mat time. That's how you develop bad habits. It's an awful to learning a martial art. The lack of disapline is remarkable. Placing such a high value on foolish traditions of hierarchy is nonsense too.
Learn technique first then you start rolling. Granted, in wrestling you have matches, even in elementary school, so you still experience realtime wrestling; it's just not emphasized in the early yrs.
Msny BJJ places have developed a bad habit by not drilling, which is why so many of these gyms experience wrestlers who join BJJ gyms and run through the places entire fleet of belts, excluding the higher level black belts. But an NCAA D1 wrestler is going to give some of those black belts problems too, sometimes.
It's not just that wrestlers are strong, it's that they understand the kinesthetic feel for every position they engage (i.e., they know all the possible outcomes from being in a multitude of positions). Folks mistake wrestling strength for a command of position, because they've drill each position 2000 times haha.
I'm a nobody and have not grappled in yrs, but I find what I'm saying to be true based on experience.
Hard to listen to this dude interview keenan
Jeez, the "you're a role model" dude is annoying. That's a ridiculous point to make. Being a "role model" isn't something you sign up for. What does that have to do with anything?
was that keenan interview done in a space shuttle?
ATOS is super structured… Keenan thrives without structure. It was bound to happen…
fook that brazilian mentality….like they invented jiu jitsu…keenan….open your own academy ….man you revolutionalized jiu jitsu with your own style…and if you were brazilian you'd have already been an IBJJF champion at least 3 times….american jiu jitsu needs its Captain America…USA all Day.
Totally agree with Keenan. His position here makes for a good role model. Stand up for freedom, even in the little things. His coach sounds like a power trip.
That dude with Keenan is a dickbag.. needs to chill tf out.
fuk i go late to class all the time..its such a brazilian thing, telling people off for being late, for drinking water without permission in the middle of the class..its a free fukin can do whatever you want.
" I came like four times" -Keenas Conrnelius
Keen sounds so mature and articulated and Josh like a douche bag.
It seems there is more to this story than meets the eye. Keenan is right in that many black belts behave worse than lower belts and Galvao is right in that he should be setting a good example. Lateness also really bothers me unless there is a legitimate reason for being late eg work, family, transport problems.
Keenan is the man – and the dude interviewing him is a douche . Also Dillon Dani’s is a douche .
Alot of martial arts instructors suffer from 'John Kreese' syndrome lmao..
LOL….Hinger calling Keenan out on his BS…
Some of you Keenan Cornelius "FANBOYS" in the comments going at Josh Hinger need shut up and actually get some perspective on this matter…Don't forget that these two people were teammates at ATOS, and he definitely saw a lot of what went on…Its no secret that Keenan has portrayed his own spin on how things played out at ATOS…To me Hinger was trying to let Keenan know that he wasn't blameless in the matter, and there is nothing wrong with that…Nobody is calling Galvao perfect by any stretch but don't try to absolve yourself of any wrong doing when u clearly played a part in how things played out…Then u admit that the situation at ATOS was wrong from the very beginning, yet you stayed because u knew you could get what you wanted from Galvao (A Blackbelt) …That's not a good look coming from someone that's trying to exude this supposed "morale high ground" against someone that supposedly trying to "oppress" him…. With him admitting that things weren't right from the very beginning just makes him look even more selfish IMO…Defend Keenan all you want, but understand that he is by no means Blameless in all this…He's was in no way a victim…If things were fucked up from the very very beginning he should have left…
Why did ur ig get robbed? Why won't u cover the Renzo vs Wallid and how Renzo backed down.
Is that Josh Hinger interviewing Keenan? I don’t know why, but he kind of comes off like a dick in this interview. More so waiting for his turn to speak versus listening to Keenan.
Keenan is a very smart guy, he has his reasons there are always 3 sides to a story
Keenan is describing what the majority of millenials are experiencing in the workforce nowadays. There are old-fashioned workers like Galvao who believe always following the rules, showing up 9-5, etc leads to success. This is contrasted against a younger Keenan who believes that success can be achieved by means outside of blindly following the ruleset.
They've both achieved amazing success living life the way they believe is most suitable for them. It just goes to show what works for one person doesn't always work for the other, and how not-a-big-deal this whole situation really is