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Brian Ortega on kicking out all cancerous people from his camp
Lachlan Giles on submitting 5 opponents at Kinektic
Gordon Ryan gives knee update
Keenan Cornelius explains his Rickson and Helio Gracie comment,
Mansher Khera on MMA future,
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Excited to see T-City with a clear mind
Lachlan Giles is a G
He literally doubled down and confirmed it and just added, apologies if this offends people. LOL
Eddie tapped Royler as a brown belt don't forget, what Keenan said is 100% true
T-city is a humble dude
That keenan lad is an arrogant prick.
Keenan is right
Rickson Gracie is most overrated fighter in history. All his opponents in MMA were pro-wrestlers (basicly WWE guys) and for instance in fight with Funaki he agreed to fight only with abolished elbows, knees and many other things.
He also refused to fight Sakuraba (guy who beated basicly every Gracie), Yoshida (Judo medalist that submited Royce in grappling match) and Ogawa (another Judo medalist).
He basicly build that cult on defeating guys from WWE.
Keenan could be right, on the other hand, there are a whole bunch of black belts and world champions who say they couldn't do anything to Rickson and got tapped multiple times..
Keenan has no hespech. Also he tried to throw josh hinger under the bus too
Gordon looken lil chub chub
And in a street fight Keenan is a purple belt, that's the difference.
You say wtf you want Keenan! Honestly
Jean Jaques Machado and other great champions already stated they could do little when training with Rickson, who was always one step ahead. Keenan is desperate for attention… its just the way he is. Sad though.
I'd love for him to roll with Rickson. It would be fun to watch.
Why does the U.S produce the majority of current douchey grapplers. Kennan,Gordon,A.J,Dillon,mosher,tonnan, ect.
I think Keenan is partly responsible for the popularity we see with all the goofy and gimicky guard play in BJJ. (worm guard, squid guard, lapel guard) without the gi he's a nobody.
I did not miss seeing Gordon's shredded abs
That’s sad that you have to explain everything you say, I’m sorry you can’t be free to just speak.
Kron kicks ass with his dads jj so yeah.
Wow Dana white actually gave that kid a job , the kid who interviewed Gordon Ryan was in the audience for a press conference and asked Dana for a job and now he’s a reporter for the UFC LETS GO #RESPECT
Roger Gracie beat the best guys of different generations by submitting them and was never submitted as a black belt. He used basic jiujitsu in a progressive way (moving from position to position to attain the submission). He passed spider guards, delariva, x guards etc with simple jiujitsu. He is proof that basics work against new concepts.
As good as Keenan is, Rickson's so called "Basic Jiu Jitsu", even at his age, would destroy Keenan… there is a reason why Rickson is considered the GREATEST expression of Jiu Jitsu of all time. I had so much respect for Keenan before he said this… but I guess the only way to know if he is right is to roll with Rickson and see whats up… easy to say all day but not easy to do… but totally disrespecting the very people that made the art that Keenan is now profiting from sucks!!
There is nothing wrong with what he said, he clarified it from 7:38–7:50. Any black belt from that era would struggle in todays era because there are so many new techniques that they've never seen before. Its not a disrespect thing, its reality. Back 40 years ago there was maybe a few hundred black belts, today there are probably tens of thousands. Each one adding their own techniques on Facebook, Youtube and Instagram on a daily basis. Are you telling me that Rickson knows the counter or escape from every possible new technique and hold?
Rickson in his prime would destroy Keenan Cornelius in a no time street fight situation…
Gordon lookin chubby
Can somebody hit up Max Holloway please tell him to give Brian Ortega his soul back .
Max played on T Citys manhood – he stood him up & banged – Max also played the injured card really well, acting like he talks slow etc. Should have had more humility & respect for Max, fight smarter – the willingness to bang needs to be tempered with some clever strategy as well.
Keenan is 100% right. If you believe that Rickson could beat Keenan or lets say Pena, or Buchecha or lets say Marceol (who is not exactly new school) in gi, or Craig Jones or Gordon in nogi, you are buying into some mcdojo/aikido type shit. Was Rickson best in his time? Sure. Is he GOAT? Not by any standard. Whole GOAT discussion is dumb in it self. Art evolves and new and better techniques and fighters emerge. Its normal, deal with it.
If you don’t know how to defend a move, you cannot defend against the move. If someone goes to put you in squid guard and you don’t know where your knee needs to be to not get swept, you’re going to get swept. It’s not a commentary on the talent of Rickson, it’s a commentary on the evolution of the sport.
I knew there was something I didn't like about Keenan he's a Tesla driver.
I'm starting to get karate flash backs in this comment section "x master cannot be defeated! Even in his old age he can beat anyone anywhere any time!" Lol