Alex Honnold is a big wall free solo climber. A documentary feature film titled “Free Solo” captures his record setting ascent of El Capitan, and it can be seen now in movie theaters all over.
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I can see it now free solo climber Alex Honnold dies by slipping on a banana peel and falling down a flight of stairs lol
Wow first a dodge ball champion and now this? What a guy
Joe's utterly stupid Idea to make free climbers take beta blockers was crushed to fast and good by him. Seriously adrenaline is natural and you want it to react faster in critical situations. I bet they are so used to it that their average adrenaline levels during the regular climb are just as the should be. I think the idea to mess with it is stupid. Joe is always about artificially improving everything, I remember the marathon runner who just eats what she likes and never did any special diet, its contradicted everything Joe stands for.
Say 9c it's just easier
The man, first time I saw Joe rogan was because Alex
looks like Spock.
He climbed Tyson Fury before the podcast
Lol Joes so sober
Climbing skill exceeded only by self-righteous vocal fry skill.
these guests are anti-climactic how about alex jones?
I love the variety of Joe's guests… I hope he gets Peter Dinklage on someday.
This guy rocks. Get it?!
Alex please make a podcast
I saw this guy over a decade ago ……………surprised he not dead
Joe "feel my clammy hands" Rogan
I have no idea how someone is able to walk let alone free climb with such huge balls
his eyes are so black
joe is just cranking out these podcasts… bless
The greatest extreme sports athlete ever!
Joe “I like headphones” Rogan
They cut down more forest for soybeans than they do for any animal food source. Being vegitarian/vegan doesn't help the enviroment.
Your telling me this guy climbed the ice wall at Antarctica?
Tell us if the earth is flat
Joe “You should start a podcast” Rogan
@alexHonnold is loaded to the gills! spun to the hubs. or something…. #LOADED LOL @PowerfulJRE
Don't know don't care the only Alex I want to see is Alex Jones
Ok,im a welder ,had a chunk of liquid steel fall into my pocket and burn a hole through my phone screen,guess what joes third eye is exactly in that spot
I never knew Justin Long was a rock climber.
wtf is wrong with his eyes?
Biggest fucking boulders in his pants
Im sort of upset alex didnt get joe to do honnoldcore when talking about cross training for climbing
Joe "Wooooow" Rogan
1:02:13 "how many people have done it?" "well me that's why there's the movie and everything.and nobody has even thought about it. " "there aren't that many high end free soloists." "how many are there?" "uhm idk 2 or 1 or something."?dead.
he looks cgi
White ppl r hilarious
Joe, you gotta have Adam Ondra on the show, perhaps one of the greatest athletes of this century will give dead or alive
fucking hell, joe couldnt go 3 mins without bringing it back to mma
Get MARK KERR on the show! Would be the best MMA interview ever!! Thanks Joe!
my hands were dripping sweat from the beginning to the end of this podcast
great athlete, total libtard.
Go do that podcast, Alex!
He talks like a valley girl biotch. "Like, like, like, like. I don't like fighting. like, like, like, vegan."
Fuck that shirt joe.
Alex is so sick…that dude is so gnarly!!
Infomercial or podcast?
get him back on with no time limit! I would LOVE to hear a full 3 hour podcast with alex. he is great.