John Dudley is a pro archer and host of “Nock On TV.” Check out his podcast “Nock On” available on iTunes. Also check out and #DoAwesomeShit
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Texas has many amusement parks. Six Flags over Texas had the Texas Giant, one of the largest wooden coasters. The shockwave was my favorite as it was made to flex so you could feel it sway.
Why does my screen keep going blank but the audio and the jre logo remains? I'm on an android phone. Wtf? #halp
I am with joe on the public spot arguement
Why doesn't Joe have Patreon or Superchats?
Is it because has basically a boomer in mind?
I wish Joe wouldn't talk fighting with this dude. This guy talking about MMA and BJJ is the
same as a midget talking about dunking a basketball. Bro Please!!!
Love how Joe is downplaying how Mcgregor was assaulted and jumped by 3 Russians who were arrested for it. Wake the the Fuck up? That's not ok,
A guy in the UFC tried to punch opponent after fight one time and he was barred for life. He is in Bellator now why the fuck is this tollerted by someone on a work visa
Don't be a bitch and snitch out peoples spot Joe.
Joe “I honestly don’t know exactly what was involved” Rogan
Joe doesn’t get the hunting spot thing…
Joe "it's public land" Rogan
Conner get his purse and no repercussion for that night? Conner was held from jumping over, hits khabib's .. bother i think. Then hits the second first guy to jump in and then gets blindsided but is immediately seperated amd get back into it with the first. Conner also jumped into bellator but no mention from ufc.
Joe, I'm not taking you to my secret spots
Ok Joe you told a joke and it's out in public….so tomorrow knowing you I'm going to tell that joke….its public. It's not like it's not out there for everyone else to tell. So telling sweet spots and someone jumping your spot after you take them is like being the Carlos Mencia of hunting…..
Can we start a discussion about how bad John Dudley's tattoos are? FUCK!
Love the logic here. Kabib assaults people and well who cares shouldn't be anything but someone assaults Connor and he should have the law come down on him? Sounds like Joe just shilling for high paid UFC fighters.
Dagestan is the land of talents. So many great sportsmen are coming from these small nations, Dagestan and Chechnya, two neighbors in the Caucasus.
Joe's evil face at 13:14 …Classick. I wonder if he's thinking of Carlos Mencia while he's twisting the arm crank?
"the bear is on a chain, which is fucked up because it can't circle correctly"…
Joe seems a bit confrontational today wonder if sober october is getting to him?
these guys don't realize how stupid they sound when they discuss MMA. Its a knuckle-dragging sport for low-lifes and criminals, as what happened after the mcgregor fight proved. Grown men punching and strangling each other, REALLY? it's 2018 not ancient Rome!!!
obviously joe has never had to find his own spot to hunt or fish on public land he would understand if he had ever put in the work to find that honey hole
Joe rogan is so dumb eddie bravo looks like a genius next to him
I’m currently listening to Strange Times. Joe says, “The United States was founded in 1776. People live to be a hundred. That’s three people ago.”
doing the math
1776 + 100 (first person) = 1876 + 100 (second person) = 1976 + 100 (third person) = 2076.
calculating current year versus Joe’s math
2076 – 2018 = 58.
I don’t get it. Is it a funny bit, because Joe can’t do math? Is missing the mark by 58 years considered numerous? If the intro to this comedy special is any indication, I could simply watch any given JRE podcast, accent it with unnecessary yelling, throw in some questionable math, and still not find his brand of humor amusing.
On with the rest of the…comedy(?) special…
You can tell Joe has been hand fed all of his hunts. If he wasn't being led around by cam and steve he would recognize the value of a hard earned honey hole.
Wolves do remember smell. It is basically a signature to them. Seems impossible to our sensibility, but their neural pathways evolved to imprint smells t memory. It is a matter of life or death to them.
You can tell joe is a newb hunter
This windup archer is all mechanical and can shoot an arrow with the same motion described in this podcast
The toughest guy I ever saw was an old, scrawny, frail blind person sitting all by himself in a crowded restaurant wearing a white dress shirt and eating spaghetti.
Oh look it's boring Bow Hunter man for the thousandth time!
DC saying Conor’s never gonna beat khabib, just like he’ll never beat John Jones.
Joe doesn't get the public land thing because he's been fortunate enough to have people that have done all that public land work for him. Or hunted private ranches, which is also fine. Look at it like this: For the sake of simplicity let's say a guy is just hunting the same chunk of National Forest or other public land. He has 1 week per year off from his job to hunt elk. He uses his 5 days of vacation hunting sun up to sun down for those 5 days. Say 60 hours of his time. Say it takes him 5 years to really narrow down a spot where he consistently finds elk (totally reasonable). He spent 300 hours or 7+ work weeks invested in that effort. He takes Joe there to help Joe out. Next year on opening day, he walks in the place and there's Joe and Joe's buddy who Joe is now helping out. It isn't about it being public land (which it 100% is). It's about the investment of time and effort finding productive spots.
theres no bullshitting with rogan XD
Joe Rogan: "You should listen to multiple sides of every argument and be understanding of the other side…. wait I don't agree with your side of this argument. Your side of the argument is idiotic, ridiculous, & you should be ashamed for even considering it you fucking ape!"