Shooter Jennings is a musician, radio host, record label president, and is also the son of country music legend Waylon Jennings. His new album “Shooter” is available now everywhere.
Wow Joe…give the guy a chance to speak….anyone can win a debate by cutting off the other person and talking over them… oh and you spew out a lot of facts but also dont showing any evidence or proof…just sayin
I really like JR podcasts, but he's being a bit of an ass to shooter. Won't even let the guy talk and properly explain his position. I had to shut this one off after 20 min. Which never happens lol
Scooter is a moral-moron. "His gig is this…" "Im just sayin'…. lighten up'. Families had to move mutiple times. Families cant visit thier CHILDS GRAVE because of ALEX JONES. What a dip-shhhh17
Soon as Shooter used the word “secret” when describing the internet Joe got irritated. I knew right away. It’s happened many times in the past with other guests. No one’s coming on the show talking conspiracy using final words like “definitely” and speaking as if they know 100% some kind of knowledge none of the rest of us know. Joe stopping it short doesn’t make him arrogant or conceded. Devil’s advocate is a great tool for discerning real truths but I wouldn’t even call what he did here devil’s advocate. It seems to me a lot of people are hating on Joe now that his subs are at 3M, when back when he had less than a mil all the comments were from informed, level people who came to listen for fun and had a great time doing it.
Absolutely embarrassing and hard to watch. Joe treated this guy like SHIT completely unprofessional. You are going to lose a lot of subscribers if you keep this type of attitude up Joe.
Joe Rogan: “WAIT WAIT WAIT, now you do understand I have no reason to go on the defensive but I’m going to cut you off anyway and go on a 10 minute rant because I’m pretentiously expecting you to say something Eddie Bravo level crazy, right?”
Shooter Jennings: “Yeah agreed but *insert legitimate insights and facts with interesting personal anecdotes*”
What the fuck are all these Alex Jones lunatics doing on every single podcast… Joe is never going to see or give a fuck about your comments, you do know that right? His comment sections used to be interesting but every single on on here is "get Alex Jones on" "you betrayed Alex" "shill." We have all heard these a million times now please fuck off so we can talk about shit that actually matters in here. None of those quoted remarks above have ANY value to them. Unless they are to Joe's face, they are worthless.
Listen to the Electric Rodeo every week and watch JRE clips all the time too. Awesome to see them jammin.
So many right wing Nazis want to claim Joe Rogan but can't lol it's hilarious reading your comments you dumb fucks.
Joe is becoming that friend who moves out of state and you start talking to less and less.
Where's Shooter McGavin though? He just disappeared after losing the PGA Championship to Happy Gilmore..
If what Alex says is untrue- why the need to silence a great comedian like Bill Hicks?
Wtf happened to Joe?
What kinda douche wears sunglasses indoors?
Really dropped the ball on this one.
Big ole penis
And just like that, Joe destroyed his entire podcast and any and all legacy.
Next get shooter McGavin from happy Gilmore on ?
Porsche also designed the new coke machines that have the 190 flavors
Is this the first after that pedo Macaulay?!
Joe " I had a show called Joe Rogan Questions everything" Rogan
Why was the track Rogan played on his phone at 1:15:26?
Damn Joe why does it sound like from your tone that you got caught or something?
that straggly on Joe's right cheeck is driving me nuts
Wow Joe…give the guy a chance to speak….anyone can win a debate by cutting off the other person and talking over them… oh and you spew out a lot of facts but also dont showing any evidence or proof…just sayin
I'm going to have to skip this one I can't listen to a guy who wear sunglasses indoors.
Welcome back Joe. Happy belated birthday.
Relax Joe, he’s prob fresh off regenokine session. While in the float take topped off with a cryogenic smoothie. His dad was Waylon
Joe"You cant believe the earth is flat- but if you are duncan trussel it can be a triangle…." Rogan.
Joe "HUAWEI" Rogan
Up an hr…117,000 views, datum Joe
I really like JR podcasts, but he's being a bit of an ass to shooter. Won't even let the guy talk and properly explain his position. I had to shut this one off after 20 min. Which never happens lol
That’s Eddie Bravo wearing a disguise, you can’t fool me #woke
Scooter is a moral-moron. "His gig is this…" "Im just sayin'…. lighten up'.
Families had to move mutiple times. Families cant visit thier CHILDS GRAVE because of ALEX JONES.
What a dip-shhhh17
Up vote for shooter. Excellent guest!
Joe was a dick to shooter during part of the pod cast. Harsh!
Soon as Shooter used the word “secret” when describing the internet Joe got irritated. I knew right away. It’s happened many times in the past with other guests. No one’s coming on the show talking conspiracy using final words like “definitely” and speaking as if they know 100% some kind of knowledge none of the rest of us know. Joe stopping it short doesn’t make him arrogant or conceded. Devil’s advocate is a great tool for discerning real truths but I wouldn’t even call what he did here devil’s advocate. It seems to me a lot of people are hating on Joe now that his subs are at 3M, when back when he had less than a mil all the comments were from informed, level people who came to listen for fun and had a great time doing it.
Rogan is a straight up sellout bitch. Next he'll be pushing pedophilia so he can impress the cabal. Straight up bitch.
“I understand. But I don’t care because I’m a douchebag myself.”, is what he’s really saying.
Absolutely embarrassing and hard to watch. Joe treated this guy like SHIT completely unprofessional. You are going to lose a lot of subscribers if you keep this type of attitude up Joe.
Shooter Jennings: “I just think..”
Joe Rogan: “WAIT WAIT WAIT, now you do understand I have no reason to go on the defensive but I’m going to cut you off anyway and go on a 10 minute rant because I’m pretentiously expecting you to say something Eddie Bravo level crazy, right?”
Shooter Jennings: “Yeah agreed but *insert legitimate insights and facts with interesting personal anecdotes*”
Joe nut up and have Alex Jones on your show again. You've known each other for way too long, and the last video had way too many views for you not to.
Joe should chill abit more, rant alot less…
Hah! 5 million. Probably more like 100
Come on Joe… you cant be THAT out of touch to understand that to some people, having a suburban makes you rich (in their eyes).
Joe “coughs before he lies about the reason for not getting Jones on” Rogan.
What the fuck are all these Alex Jones lunatics doing on every single podcast… Joe is never going to see or give a fuck about your comments, you do know that right? His comment sections used to be interesting but every single on on here is "get Alex Jones on" "you betrayed Alex" "shill." We have all heard these a million times now please fuck off so we can talk about shit that actually matters in here. None of those quoted remarks above have ANY value to them. Unless they are to Joe's face, they are worthless.