In today’s video I share a tip that came from a recent conversation I had with Renzo Gracie Black Belt Shawn Williams on our Chewjitsu Podcast. The podcast is already out. So check it out wherever you listen to podcast.
It’s also available on YouTube at:
Anyways, during the podcast he gave a tip on how to train more BJJ and get injured less. It’s a tip many of us (who have trained for 20+ years) have learned.
It’s a simple tip and definitely doesn’t apply to all rolling and training situations in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. But it can still be super useful to get more mat time in with less injuries.
And this is important because more mat time is what progress is built on. So more mat time and less injuries (which also means more mat time) means you’ll have more chances to work on your game.
Hope the tip is helpful.
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