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How to Overcome Fear of BJJ Rolling & Boxing Sparring

How to Overcome Fear of BJJ Rolling & Boxing Sparring

What’s up guys,

Today we’ve got a question from a young fan who has been doing Boxing & Jiu-Jitsu for about a year and he says that sparring makes him panic.

He’s anxious about the various potential injuries and asked me if I had any ideas on how he can overcome these feelings because he wants to be a successful martial artist.

He thinks overcoming this fear of injury will help him outside of martial arts with various things and so he sends the message above…

What this young man is going through is normal & natural.

Many people who train in Wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing, or any other Martial Art have this sinking feeling of anxiety, this pit feeling in their stomach, because of potential injuries.

In this video, I’ll discuss my own experience and how I think you can start overcoming it.

Thanks for watching the video.

– Chewy
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