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How to NOT Get Flattened, Cross-faced and Smashed in Half Guard

How to NOT Get Flattened, Cross-faced and Smashed in Half Guard

If you’re playing half guard and your opponent gets chest to chest on you, especially if he also gets a crossface and an underhook, then you’re in a LOT of trouble. He’s going to put a TON of pressure on you and make your life absolutely miserable. In this section from the BJJ for Old F***s instructional ( Rob Biernacki shows you exactly how you can use a series of upper body frames including your hands, your elbows, your wrists, and even your torso itself to keep his weight off of you.

Framing like this gives you the space you need to move into an underhook and work towards his back, or bring your legs back into play to achieve a knee shield guard or some variation of an open guard.

If you found this useful then here are a couple more videos on Youtube that might be of some use as well…

BJJ for Old F***s , How to Keep Training Safely and Effectively After Age 40
BJJ for Old F***s , How to Keep Training Safely and Effectively After Age 40

Key Tips for Older Grapplers to Stay Effective in BJJ

Why Older Grapplers Should Play Seated Guard.

Good luck with your training!

Stephan Kesting

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