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How To Improve Cardio For BJJ

How To Improve Cardio For BJJ

In my opinion, one of the most important aspects of being effective at jiu-jitsu is to have solid cardiovascular endurance. There is nothing worse than tiring out in the middle of a roll and getting crushed by your training partner or worse at a tournament because you “ran out of gas.”

If you want to get better at cardiovascular endurance for BJJ, then the obvious thing to do is to train jiu-jitsu.

But what if you can’t get to the gym? Well then this is where you have to look at other training tactics such as solo drilling.

I love using a heavy bag to work on guard passing drills for BJJ-specific endurance, timing, and muscle memory.

The type of cardiovascular activity you perform should also mimic or simulate the type of tournament you want to compete it.

If you are further out of competition, or have not trained in quite some time and feel out of shape, then check out some of my favorite cardio activities such as running or using the Airdyne bike along with interval sprint work to build up your endurance.


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***Check out the knee braces I recommend for BJJ

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