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How to become an unstoppable guard passer- if you study most current world champi…

How to become an unstoppable guard passer- if you study most current world champions they’re incredibly good at one kind of guard passing and usually good at the other 2. @mendesbros are incredibly good at putting pressure on their opponents through side to side passing using motion and footwork, @bernardofariabjj is incredibly good at using under over passing to get passed the legs, and @marcelogarciajiujitsu is a master at using submission danger to pass his opponents guard. What you should all be striving to do is not just master one style of guard passing, but rather master all 3 styles of passing. Once you’ve done this (easier said then done) you must learn how to chain all 3 styles together better than anyone else. And this is what will get you passed any guard in the world. Having the ability to change the style of passing that you’re doing makes it very easy to deal with different body types. If you’re 140 lbs and you only know how to smash pass it will be incredibly difficult to hold someone down who is 300 lbs, but incredibly easy use motion and foot work to get passed the legs due to lack of cardio and mobility on their part. If you’re 300 lbs it’s going to be extremely difficult to use motion and footwork to get passed someone’s guard who has very good inversions, but much easier to pin them down and negate movement to pass the legs. Using submissions usually works just as good on any body type bec nobody is invulnerable to submissions. But its crucial to know how to pass the guard in multiple different ways, which most world champions can do, but are not specialists in all 3. The sport is still very young and changing every day. 10 years from now the current level of grappling will be laughed at. Our job is to not only get ahead of the curve. But to find ways to stay ahead. @hypnotik @musclepharm @kimerakoffee @ouchmedical @studio540

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