Are you worried about gaining weight and getting out of shape because of the quarantine and not being able to train? This has been a really common question I’ve received over the last couple of weeks. And it’s the question for today’s Chewy Ramble.
Our friend, like most of us, is unable to train BJJ currently because of the restrictions going on in his area. He says he’s worried about gaining weight and letting his diet slip. So his question was to see if I had any dieting tips for dealing with the situation while stuck at home unable to train.
In this video I outline 3 tips you can use to keep your diet in check while you’re unable to take part in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu training. That said, they’re also tips that could serve you well even after you go back to training.
These tips are also some of the same tips that helped me avoid gaining a bunch of weight in 2014 during my last long layoff from training.
Hopefully the video is useful to you and if you’d like more tips head on over to: and register to get my free at home training resource loaded with more info about dieting, bjj study and at home workouts to help you through the quarantine.
Thanks for watching.
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