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Tre Frederick says
All I have to say is the officer is retarded for doing this
Felipe Aguilar says
clean throw?
Chris E. Jack says
Don Rose WOW
David Scott says
This is a demo
Jessica Privitera says
Jailen Person judo. jiu jitsu. the answer to everything
Shaun Brown says
I love how they hashtag police brutality and yet are posting a video from a country where police brutality is rampant.
Waks Alcaraz says
Frédéric Lapierre says
Most badass thing I’ve seen in a while
Alex Borrero says
Erik Borrero
Carlos Castro
Stuart Green says
Nice work
Brent Barnes says
I think not real stu??
Alejandro Stephanopolis says
Entertaining but no. Never
That is a violation of common sense. By taking that action he basically said “this criminal with a machete is more important than me even though he chose to break the law.”
Never. A cops family should never have to bury them because they put a criminals life in front of their own.
Brett Williams says
Phil Monaghan Brett Austin nice..
Brett Austin says
Balls of steel.
Mikaela Odello says
Cameron Walker yup !
Tobias Tenorio says
If that man was willing to kill a police officer, I’m wondering how many other people are at risk when he’s in prison and or when he returns to public life.
Burge Franks says
Its a training exercise –
Frank Juan says
real world use… check…
Adam Mattucci says
That was perfectly timed.
Shane Mitchell says
For all of you thinking this is real, do yourself a favor and Snopes this shit. It’s a training exercise and only part of the whole video. ?
Troy Riley says
Good judo throw
Fer Ara says
That was amazing!!
Phil Monaghan says
Someone needs sorting. We sort.