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AJ Agazarm on his submission victory at Bellator 238,
Craig Jones training with Ashton Kutcher,
Gordon Ryan returns from retirement,
Herbert Burns on impressive UFC debut
Relson Gracie Arrested on Marijuana Trafficking Charges in Brazil
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I knew he wouldn't stay retired
Ashton Kutcher is cool
Lmao Garry is hilarious
Ashton looked like he had no idea what he was doing…
Free Relson
Nicky Ryan is getting huge
This further proves Ashton can't grapple.
Nickys gettin thick
That's cute Craig Jones being nice lmao
Never seen Kaynan have that much fun
Nicky getting swoll!
Damn machado sounds like he hypes Kutcher
Why do I feel like Ashton is not a legit brown belt? No offense to Rigan but I think the main way to get better is through actual rolling and competing. If you take that aspect out, you don’t know if you can actually do what you “know”
Jones can tap guys like Kutch in neutral.
Relson is in jail? I wonder if Renzo is still riding their new Brazilian president's d*ck.
Ashton Kutcher moves like a nervous old man
Gordon realises no one gave a fuck and he isn’t regarded as being the GOAT so needs to do more
Ashton looks like a little kid rolling with his dad lol
What?!? A 20 something year old word champion coming out of retirement!? Who could have seen this coming…..
Except maybe EVERYONE.
If Kutcher is brown belt then I'm a coral belt
That Kutcher brown belt is made of money.
Finally the proof that Ashton belt is a piece of shit.. So who do we blame now?
I thought it was gonna end badly for AJ, great job pulling it back.
Y'all think tonon would win?
Ashton doing nogi??
Gordon used the Mayweather retirement marketing trick
Sorry but if that is Brown Belt then I'm Renzo Gracie lol
How is Ashton a brown belt
Ashton why the hell would you have the back and go for an arm bar? Position before submission. Back take is the most dominant position in bjj.
"NiiiiiiiiiiiCKiiiiiiiii !!!!!!!
Nicky has been getting into his brother’s supplement supply.
Hope relson be released soon
I thought Ashton Kuchie was a black belt? Craig Jones goes harder against his girl friend than Ashton Kuchie.
Relson arrested for trafficking because he had weed in a suitcase? Get the fuck out of here. The man is not a drug trafficker, he is a stoner surfer. Oh, and a grandmaster. Some cop wanted a famous arrest.
Joe Rogan vs Stephen A Smith fight for charity . Let's start pumping this up guys and make that little bitch either fight and get shut up that way or expose him as the coward he is when he refuses to fight like a little bitch
#fookstephenasmith #cuckstephenasmithvsjoerogan2020
Thats the worst brown belt i've ever seen.
Gordan Ryan should just go into MMA already.
ashton looks like a coral belt to me ?
Brown belt hey?
Damn, ashton kutcher is NOT a brown belt.
Its good that Gordon Ryan is not retiring, now i can kick his ass. Sure i am a white belt but i can beat him no problem.
Kutcher is a weak little bitch.
nicky looks like he is swelling up