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Didn’t know John actually rolled, I thought his knees were too messed up.
A really technical roll, really fun to watch !
turn the gd camera sideways. how is this so hard to figure out
I don't think I've ever seen such sustained technicality and flow of any skill level for this length of time. Usually someone fucks up then because of frustration ego takes over then next thing you know it's an actual roll.
John show all his teaching concept from bjj finatics on this roll
Yes, I would give up all my hair to be able to roll like JD.
Porque lo que tiene el dolar ahí. Yevoy a reventar enseguida gringo
Imagine Danaher with good knees in a young man's body. Youth is wasted on the young. His students are truly blessed.
super technical, great to watch, people who want to beat Gordon should study this tape like if their life depends on it
I Think daneha did not train smart, yes he became a Master but a griple Master , even a White belt would beat his ass, look at renzo Gracie stille going strong. So my point is train always smart if you want to keep training after +40 years
Wizard vs Sorcerer 0.o
It's so good to watch at this controlled pace. Easier to pick up all the movements and intentions.
It is like a choreograph. They have such an amazing control ability and so many good techniques. Awesome!
well done John Danaher…
Control the hips John Danaher…
3minutes left John Danaher….
Beautiful John Danaher….
Now that's Flow Rolling! Awesome to watch
2:00 one of my favorite back takes
Danaher has such a cone head
For 10 second.. I thought they slo-mo the video.
John danaher is a wizard..
First half of the roll looks like it's on slow motion
A master & 1 of his best students rolling, just awesome to watch! The mutual respect is evident. Sure, some people can comment on how Gordon is holding back but what I see is; an instructor who poured all his knowledge into his student & held nothing back & a student who realizes his BJJ wouldn't be @ the level it is w/out him AND they also just happen to be the best BJJ coach in the world & the best grappler in the world.
Palpatine and Darth Vader.
Star Wars
looks like a black belt allowing a white belt to move around trying dumb things
Camera man is aids
Most intimate roll I’ve ever seen
Shiiit.. this nigga gets to roll with Zordon
Are they dating now mate
seems like their making a baby by leg locks ??
Wow, fantastique!!! Bravo.
That was just a nice take it easy roll. Technical. No jerky movements to hurt each other or yourself . Attempt sub …let them perform escape …so on and so forth . Nice flow . At my dojo we called this a get me warmed up roll. Respectful.
A treat to watch
How cute